Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision for me and my family for a life? [Asked byAnkit Joshi Ankit Joshi]

Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision for me and my family for a life? Will I do job or business abroad?

Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision for me and my family for a life? [Asked byAnkit Joshi Ankit Joshi]
Lagna Chart of Ankit Joshi
Name/Nike Name: Ankit Joshi
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 25/05/1987
Age: 32
Country: India
City, Region: Ahmedabad, Gujarat
Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision   for me and my family for a life? Will I do job or business abroad?
Prediction by  Yodha Astro Guru
As per the astrological view, Rahu Dasha is most effective for foreign travel in astrology as Rahu is the Mlechha Karaka or Foreign planet. Generally, if there is connection between the house or Lords of 12/9/8/6 in a movable or watery sign, we can predict that there is high chance of foreign settlement in astrology. Hence, as per this principle, there remain higher chances for foreign settlement during this time for you. However, some ups and downs may also occur in your professional life as Rahu is not favouring you properly. It is recommended for you to take 13 faced Rudrakshya as you'd burn under Trsashi Tithi. You need to chant this maantra while wearing Rudrakshya - "Om Harim Namah". It will be wise to donate black clothes for charity work and stay veg. (do not have fresh) on Saturday to minimize unfavorable planetary effect.
While comparing your and your wife's chart, it can be seen that you share good compatibility (29.5 out of 36) with her and you will be able to maintain proper level of understanding with her. Your wife seems to be be endowed with a unique power of analysis. She seem to be be intelligent and have retentive memory. She will avoid conflicts and will love peace and harmony. Her will work in a very systemic way. She shall have knowledge of many fields. She will be prudent and will not waste money. She also seem to have interest in art and music. Howerver, she may be confused and may be of a capricious minded. She may be devoid of self confidence. She also not seem to be realistic and will chase her vague dreams. Sometime minor dispute may occur but your wife seem to be good match you. Sometime she may suspect you for various things but they shall not be long term.
In your wife's Vimshottari chart, Mercury is having aliged/good position. Mercury is situated alone in exaltation (in Virgo) or in own-sign (Gemini) or in its own constellation, then it will produce highly favorable results during its Dasha-period. If it is conjoined with Jupiter or Venus or Saturn, or either Jupiter or Saturn aspects it, then also the results will be favorable. If Mercury is very close to Sun (within 3*20'), then also the results will be fairly good - although some health-problems might arise. If Mercury is in mutually angular (Kendra) position from Rahu, then it will be very good for having progress in academic and intellectual pursuits; and also for suddenly switching over to a different stream of employment, the period will prove to be very advantageous. Mercury situated close to Ketu can bestows success in study of occult subjects. But if Mars is either conjoined with Mercury or aspects it - while none of them is strongly placed - then the person may face many problems and always remain in somewhat 'disturbed' state; and if Moon is conjoined with Mercury or aspects it - while none of these two is strongly placed - then the person's mind may become wavering, and he/she may even become 'fickle'-minded. If at least one of these two planets is not well placed in your horoscope, then you may face some problems during this period. You may suffer from some ailments, and your spouse is also quite likely to suffer. The intensity will be more if your Ascendant happens to be Aquarius - as in such case it will be a combined period of the 7th-lord and the 8th-lord. If either Mercury or Sun bears some affliction in your horoscope, then there are chances that you may even get entangled in a lawsuit, or face departmental proceedings instituted against you. You wife should remain very careful and cautious, and ensure that you do not antagonize your superiors or punitive government authorities. Some jealous people in her circle may become her sworn enemies, and try to put her into a difficult or embarrassing position. She should remain beware of such people - who are by nature overly talkative, and have the notoriety of biting behind the back. Your wife may also have to face many impediments - which might keep her in quite worried state. If both of Sun and Mercury are under affliction in her horoscope, then she may receive injuries or incur some losses due to outbreak of fire.

General Overview About Your Characteristics:

Your Ascendant falls in sign Libra, which is signified by the picture of a weighing balance - the symbol of divine justice. This sign has been classified as an airy, cardinal (movable or acute), equinoctial sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is indifferent and humane by nature; it is a sign of voice also.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a well-principled and even-tempered person - having a genial, kind, and affectionate nature. Above all you will have a just disposition; but you will be somewhat persuasive and to some extent imitative also. You are born in a dignified and noble family. You will remain neat and clean, and lay special emphasis on orderliness. Yet you will have an uncanny ability to perfectly adjust with all sorts of people and surroundings. You will maintain a balance between different things. You will be religious and traditional and never care of what others think. You will be a righteous person. You will be very watchful.
However, you are likely to be fond of show and approbation, and may have an insatiable desire for enjoying the company of attractive-looking members of the opposite gender - which you will greatly enjoy. You may have a somewhat amorous nature; but you may be somewhat fickle, inconstant, and changeful as well. All beautiful things that enliven life will attract you greatly; you will be very much fond of luxury items, fashionable dresses, cosmetics, perfumes, jewelry and personal adornments.

Physical Appearance:

You will have a tall, elegant figure with a well-framed physical structure with a sanguine complexion, round beautiful face, and lovely expressive eyes. Your hair may be curly. In the prime of life, you may gain flesh; but as age passes by, you may tend to shed your bulk.

Mental Characteristics:

In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Capricorn; it is the negative sign ruled by the stern planet Saturn. It is a movable and earthy sign; among all the signs, this sign probably imparts the most materialistic outlook, and the natives become chiefly concerned about the mundane affairs only. The mental characteristics of the people born under this sign are very difficult to assess. You are likely to have a high ambition, which you would try to achieve with your masterful ways; but at the same time, your mind might be beclouded with a series of doubts - which can impart in you a distrustful nature.
Your disposition is likely to be reserved and austere; you may be somewhat cold-hearted, lacking grace, and having narrow sympathies. As you will give utmost importance to your personal interests above all, you are likely to develop a forceful and self-asserting nature. But you are likely to become imprudent and exceed your limits, which may and can ultimately lead you on the verge of having a sudden reversal.
You are likely have a large circle of acquaintances and many friends, who might be quite powerful in some way or other; they would actively support you whenever necessity arises; but their background and status may be suspicious enough that can cause twisting of eye-brows - not only to the other observers, but also to your close relatives. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with the Moon or aspects it, then by virtue of its benign modifying influences, you will become gentler and more humane; but if a natural malefic planet exerts its influence instead, then you may become troubled by disturbing circumstances, and may even turn to be unusually despotic, tyrannical or cruel.
For possessing two very prized qualities - commanding nature and administrative ability - you may wish to move in a sphere, where you may be able to attract the attention of the people in general - including the people of low socio-economic strata. You may be guided by the burning desire to become 'well-known' in your own sphere; but whether you will achieve popularity for your meritorious deeds, or instead end up attaining notoriety for some gross misdeeds - will have to be judged from the influences of all the planets in your horoscope, and not from the Moon alone.
Your innate nature might be cold and quite selfish - for which you might be very cautious and calculating in monetary dealings. You will have little or no concern for the interests and feelings of others, yet you will know it very well how to influence and motivate them for deriving your own benefits, and fulfilling your own objectives. You may have the uncanny ability to preach something, while practice precisely its obverse. 'The end justifies the means' may become your motto. Yet, for your special abilities, you might attract the attention of-, and win the confidence of-, some very powerful and influential people - from whom you are likely to receive much of benefits.


You will be very sharp minded and able to learn new things quickly. Your memory will be very good. You will be virtuous and traditional. Your decisions will be impartial. You will believe in the principle of equality. People will admire you for your excellent qualities and you will become the source of their inspiration. You will be inclined towards art, music and sculpture.

Negative Traits:

You may be sluggish and your way of working may be very time-consuming. You may be perplexed and indecisive. You may be impractical.

Special Characteristics:

  1. You will be handsome, kind hearted and helpful to others.
  2. You will love and care about your friends, and will try to maintain ever lasting relations.
  3. You will be truth and justice loving and resolve complicated issues without being biased.
  4. You will love peace and harmony.


You can become a jeweler, beautician, cosmetic item dealer, artist, fashion model, judge, lawyer, legal advisor, teacher, and physician. You can be successful in business of textile, rubber, plastic, consumer durables.

Benefic and malefic Planets:

  1. Saturn is most benefic and yogkark.
  2. Mercury, lord of the 9th house, and Venus, lord of ascendant, are benefic.
  3. Sun, Mars and Jupiter are malefic.
  4. Mars, lord of 7th house, and Venus, lord of the 8th house, are markesh.

Planetary Combination (Yoga) Prediction

Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :

In your horoscope, the 7th-lord is situated in any house other than the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th; the sign-lord (or the sign-lord) of the 7th-lord is situated in the 7th-house. This very favorable parivartana-yoga combination is termed as Mahaa Yoga. By virtue of having this auspicious combination present in your horoscope, you will be blessed by the goddess of wealth, and receive rewards and benefits from the authorities and the state. You will lead your life in comfort and style - together with your spouse, children, relatives and friends. You will be well-respected in the society, and your credibility, honor, fame, and reputation - all will be ever-waxing.
In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination, you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault of your own.
In your horoscope, a natural malefic planet - which is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra - is situated in your 2nd-house. The 2nd-lord or the lord of its Navamsha-sign is a natural malefic planet, or is weak for being debilitated or combust or eclipsed, or is associated with a natural malefic planet in Lagna-Kundali or in Navamsha Kundali. This unfavorable combination is termed as Durmukha Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then then you may not be endowed with pleasing appearance; alternately, or in addition, you may acquire irritable disposition, tend to lose your temper frequently, and utter harsh and abusive words - for which even your own people may greatly dislike you.
In your horoscope, the same planet becomes the Ascendant-lord and the 4th-lord (or these two house-lords are mutually friends as per Naisargika-relationship). Besides it is conjoined with or aspected by a natural benefic planet. This is a really favorable combination, termed as Matri-Sneha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, your mother (or some other person of similar relation) will treat you with great affection, and she will also be similarly disposed towards you.
In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in a fixed (sthira) sign or Navamsha; and, it is associated with one or more natural malefic planet/s - while no natural benefic planet is conjoined with it or aspects it. Besides, the lord of shashtiamsha of the 3rd-lord is a natural malefic planet. The overall combination is very favorable, termed as Pashchat Roodha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this yoga, you will never lose courage and determination on the face of a challenging situation; rather, you will become dogged and adopt ruthless measures for fulfilling your objective and achieving your goals.

Applicable Chandra Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As a planet (excepting Sun) is present in the 2nd from your position of Moon, and such a planet is also situated in the 12th from the position of Moon, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Duradhara Yoga. This is a favorable combination. Owing to the presence of this combination in your horoscope, you have been born in a wealthy family, will rise to prominence at a fairly early age-period in your life, and enjoy all kinds of comforts and pleasures of life. You will have a charitable disposition, receive benefits from various sources, and your name and fame will be widespread.

Applicable Ravi Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As a planet (excepting Moon) is placed in the 2nd from the position of Sun in your horoscope, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Vesi Yoga. as the concerned planet is a natural benefic, the combination is an auspicious one. The overall combination is termed as Subha-Vesi Yoga. By virtue of presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will have a tall figure and be even sighted; besides, you will be truthful and have an optimistic outlook. However, you may tend to be not very energetic. Although you may not be very wealthy, you will still feel happy with your lot, and remain free from worries.
As a planet (excepting Moon) is placed in the 2nd from the position of Sun in your horoscope, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Vesi Yoga. as the concerned planet is a natural malefic, the combination is not an auspicious one. The overall combination is termed as Papa-Vesi Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination in your horoscope, you may become a harsh speaker, have dissensions in your family, and possess lopsided views. However, you may tend to be very energetic and active, and try to amass wealth by resorting to some quick methods and convenient means. Although you might be fairly wealthy, you may face wide fluctuations - for which you may become worried at times.

Applicable Nabhasha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Damini Yoga is present in your horoscope. This is a praised planetary combination. You will be very affluent, have a thoroughly gentle nature, be endowed with fortitude, and will be very learned. You will possess generous instincts, and always have compassion for others. You will be kind to animals, and may even serve them in some way. You will perform traditional religious rites, enjoy a peaceful and happy married life, and have worthy and dutiful children. Your name and fame will be widespread.

Applicable Dhana Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

The lord of the 2nd house (= wealth) is strongly placed in your horoscope and the natural significator (= Jupiter) is also well disposed. You have been born in a wealthy family, will have an excellent upbringing, and enjoy ever increasing prosperity.
As the 6th-lord is well placed in your horoscope, you are financially well-off; besides, you are very much likely to become successful in a competitive examination, and will be well placed in service - probably in a government sector or a semi-government undertaking.
As in your horoscope, Jupiter is well disposed, and as lord of the house of service/ profession it is influencing the 2nd house, you may find employment in a financial institution; or your job may have some connection with finance matters. As your 6th house is also well disposed, you may come out in flying colors in competitive examinations, and secure financial improvement in quick succession.
As in your horoscope, Jupiter is well placed and favorably disposed in relation to the house of wealth, you may be employed in a financial institution. During sometime in your life, you will amass a substantial amount of wealth by running a business venture of your own, and lead your life amidst limitless prosperity.
A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives, and friends.
As your 11th house coincides with a fiery sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the eastern direction from your native/ birth place.

Applicable Graha Malika Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

In your horoscope, the seven planets (from Sun to Saturn, excluding Rahu and Ketu) are situated in such a special manner that - starting from a house-sign (other than the 6th-house sign and the 8th-house sign) - all the seven planets have been contained in 6 consecutive signs. This is a really fortunate combination, termed as Shashtha Graha-Malika Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this combination, you will be a very liberal-minded person, having broad outlook and lofty ideals. For your praiseworthy qualities, you will become famous. You will occupy a highly respected position, and honored by one and all.
In your horoscope, the seven planets (from Sun to Saturn, excluding Rahu and Ketu) are situated in such a special manner that - starting from a house-sign (other than the 6th-house sign and the 8th-house sign) - all the seven planets have been contained in 5 consecutive signs. This is a really fortunate combination, termed as Pancha Graha-Malika Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this combination, you will be a broad-minded person, possess many desirable qualities, and for your virtuous deeds people will praise you. You will occupy a very high position, and become a well-respected and quite influential person in society.

Applicable Pancha Mahapurusha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

In your horoscope, Mars is situated in an angular sign from your Ascendant; besides, it is strong as it is situated in exaltation-sign (or own-sign). This combination, known as Ruchaka Yoga, is one of the so-called Pancha-Mahapurusha Yogas. Although the generic name of this class of yogas is apparently somewhat misleading, it nevertheless is a good yoga; it confers increase of material possessions and assures general prosperity. You will be brave, powerful, and of somewhat arrogant nature. You will conquer your enemies, and amass wealth through daring acts and brave deeds. As Mars is not combust (or eclipsed or retrograde) in your horoscope, the beneficial effects of the yoga will be quite significant.

Prediction From Astrological Constant:

Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':

You have been born in Sun's Uttarayana (or Soumyayana). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a liberal minded person endowed with generous instincts and have a high morale. You will always be engaged in doing virtuous deeds, and your conduct will be righteous. You will become known for possessing qualities like endurance, patience, and perseverance. You will enjoy a long life amidst ever waxing prosperity, and your domestic life will be peaceful and happy. However, if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic planets in the next 'occupied' sign, or in the 8th from Sun's place, then you might become hard-hearted - as a result of suffering from various causes for a long duration.

Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):

You have been born in Shishira Ritu (or Winter Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will possess good health, sound physique, stout figure, and a strong mind. You will have attractive features and handsome looks, but may also be endowed with a quick-to-anger disposition - more so when your interests are at stake. You will have good appetite, and be fond of partaking sweet foods. You will be a person of virtuous disposition, and always engaged in doing righteous deeds. You will love your spouse and children very dearly, and they will become a source of pride and joy to you forever.

Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):

(11)You have been born in Magha Masa (January/ February). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are very favorable. You will be endowed with sharp intelligence and your religious inclination will be profound. You will be fond of listening to religious discourses, intensively study the sacred religious classics, and remain engaged in practicing 'yoga-asana' or meditation. You might also gain good proficiency in subjects like spells (Mantra) and incantations (Tantra). You will refrain from committing any sinful act, overcome your enemies by using your intelligence and influence, and always remain engaged in doing meritorious and philanthropic deeds. For your praiseworthy qualities, people will treat you with great respect and honor.

Results of Birth in 'Paksha':

You have been born in Krishna Paksha. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. Your constitution might be somewhat weak, and you might be susceptible to suffer from disease. You may be endowed with restless nature and inconstant disposition. You might be branded as a mischievous- and/ or quarrelsome- person. By nature you might be quite sentimental; without viewing things in their proper perspective, you may tend to exaggerate trifles. Besides, you may have a lustful nature and remain subservient to your spouse.
As Saturn is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will be a person of thoughtful disposition and often remain in a pensive mood. You may be an embodiment of patience and perseverance, and excel in such a field where great concentration is an essential requisite. You may work for a good cause, and have to bear heavy responsibility. Some happenings in your personal life might keep you in a distressed state, fill your mind with a great void, and impart a dispassionate outlook in you.

Result of Birth in Weekday

You have been born on a Wednesday. As the lord of the weekday, Mercury acquires special importance in your chart; its results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are favorable. You will be a learned person - capable of appreciating the merits and discern the virtues of others; alternately, you will be an exceedingly deft tradesman - capable of making the best of any available opportunity. You will have attractive appearance and pleasing manners. You will be dexterous in arts or craft, and amass a lot of wealth.

Results of Birth in Day or Night :

You have been born during night time. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then You might be somewhat lethargic, and fond of sleeping during daytime. You may be somewhat secretive, and may wish to keep some of your desires or intentions latent. Besides, you may be a bit lustful - for which you might be subdued by your spouse. However, if a planet is situated in your Ascendant or aspects it, then you will be active, energetic, optimistic, and beaming with enthusiasm.

Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :

As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Varyan yoga. This yoga belongs to favorable category. By virtue of being born under this yoga, you will be fortunate in many respects. As the name implies, you will be an embodiment of humaneness, virtues, patience, and fortitude. In spite of possessing wealth and superior qualitative abilities, you will have a gentle nature and meek disposition. For your dispassionate nature and generous instincts, people will treat you with respect.

Results of Birth in Tithi :

You have been born on 'Trayodashi' (or the 13th) tithi. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results will be more favorable. You will be very intelligent and clever, and courageous and valorous as well. Although you will be endowed with a 'satwika' nature, you will not refrain from putting up a brave fight - if it is for a good cause. You will possess equanimity of mind, and a developed sense of probity and justice; you will become known as a person - who always sticks to his/ her principles, and keeps his/ her words. Some of your relatives or friends or acquaintances might hurt your feelings owing to their selfishness or lack of sensitivity; but you will have the broadness of mind to forgive them.

Results of Birth in Karana :

You have been born in 'Garija' Karana. It is the fifth Karana of the 'Chara' category. You will be endowed with good health and sound physique, beautiful/ handsome appearance, and pleasing manners. You will be intelligent and wise, liberal-minded, honorable, and beneficially disposed to others. You will be clever, but will be judicious as well; you will be able to have all your enemies fully subdued - but you will do so without resorting to cliques, coteries, or underhand actions. The keys to your success will be patience, perseverance, discretion, and timely action. You will be able to make your own headway, and surpass many of your contemporaries in the long run.

Results of birth in Nakshatra :

In your horoscope, Moon is situated in Shravana Nakshatra. For being born in Moon's own nakshatra, you will be fortunate in certain respects. You may be a sensitive and emotional person with vivid imagination. You will be liberal minded and virtuous, but might be somewhat indolent. At the time of dealing with unknown persons, you might become suspicious and even mistrustful; but while in the circle of your intimate friends, you may enjoy yourself by being a quite frivolous prankster. At heart, you will be a clean person - fond of orderly living in a mild, placid, and peaceful environment. You will have due regard for tradition and festivities, and interst in doing social work.

Vimshottari Dasha and Antardasha Prediction:

Rahu Dasha

Moon Antar Dasha

If Rahu is situated alone in a sign, its sign-lord happens to be a natural benefic planet, and its dispositor is situated in a favorable house (that is, not in 6th or 8th or 12th), then many favorable results can reasonably be expected during its Dasha-period; but if Rahu is conjoined with a natural malefic planet, its sign-lord also happens to be a natural malefic planet, and its dispositor is situated in an unfavorable 'trika' house (that is, not in 6th or 8th or 12th), then adverse results might be experienced during its Dasha-period. If Rahu is in close conjunction with (that is, within 3*20' of) any planet other than Sun and Moon, then Rahu will behave more like that of the conjunct planet; and if it is in close conjunction with (that is, within 3*20' of) either Sun or Moon, then Rahu Dasha is capable of producing some adverse results and untoward happenings. If Rahu is conjoined with a natural benefic planet in the 11th house, or if it is conjoined with the 11th-lord, then it may and can bring in a lot of wealth - which might have been acquired by resorting to some convenient - but questionable - means. If at least one of these two planets is not well placed in your horoscope, then the combined period of the two planets might be quite problematic. If both of the planets are situated in sign Taurus, then they will be disposed to do good to you. But if none of these planets are situated in their exaltation, or in own-house, or in own constellation, then you might remain in pretty confused state, and may even remain in perpetual tension. The state of your health might become delicate, or otherwise unstable; you may also suffer from pains in the limbs - as there is also some chance of receiving physical hurt or injury. You might become unhappy owing to separation from or loss of a near relative; besides, you may incur some wasteful expenditures or outright losses owing to the fault of your spouse or business partner. Besides, you might be forced to change your residence, even compelled to leave your native place due to some sudden and unexpected developments - on which you cannot have any control.
Thanks you.
( astrology service is always with you.)



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WWW.YODHA.COM.NP - Free Personalised Horoscope & Chart Reading Service: Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision for me and my family for a life? [Asked byAnkit Joshi Ankit Joshi]
Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision for me and my family for a life? [Asked byAnkit Joshi Ankit Joshi]
Me and my wife are planning to settle abroad, will it be correct decision for me and my family for a life? Will I do job or business abroad?
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