I have a desire to work at abroad, in which age I deserve that luck? Asked by Mahesh from India.
Name/Nike Name: Mahesh
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 3 April 1996 07:05 PM
Age: 24 years (completed)
Country: India
City, Region: Kollam, Kerala
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 3 April 1996 07:05 PM
Age: 24 years (completed)
Country: India
City, Region: Kollam, Kerala
I have a desire to work at abroad, in which age I deserve that luck?
Prediction by Yodha Astro Guru
Dear Mahesh,
In Vedic Astrology Rahu, is consider as the “Foreign Planet”. It generally represents foreigners. If in any birth chart or Kundali “foreign travel” houses are connected and there is also connection of Rahu with that particular yoga, so it is definite that - In Rahu Mahadasa or Antardasa the person likely to travel foreign countries. But in your case, there doesn't seem to have such planetary combination and it can be predict that you have less chances of foreign travel during this time or foreign travel likely to be less fruitful. It doesn't mean that you have zero chances of foreign work. The month of January of 2022 to May of 2022 seems to be auspicious periods for foreign travel under the planetary support of travelling planel Ketu.
While analyzing your birth chart, there seems to have malefic effect from Sun in your chart from current time to March of 2021. period is not likely to produce beneficial results. If in addition either Sun or Saturn bears some affliction in your horoscope, then the period won't be at all favorable for you. If some contrary combinations are not present in your horoscope, then you may get into serious difficulties with superior or employer or authorities; you may also have some strong differences with your subordinates or employees. Alternately, your relationship with your father or son or spouse may come under considerable strain; you may even run the risk of facing a lawsuit with one of them. Besides, you may suffer from some lingering or painful ailments, or run the risk of suffering from bone-injury resulting from impact or fall. You may become unhappy on account of your spouse or children, or for incurring some losses. You may become quite anxious, and feel very unhappy. Similarly, your Ascendant is Leo, and it is the combined period of the Ascendant-lord and the 7th-lord, you may tie the knot. But if Sun and Saturn are in mutual 'opposition' aspect in your horoscope, then you may get entangled in a lawsuit - which might drag on for a long time, and ultimately be concluded in favor of your adversary. We've prepared in-depth chart report for you.
General Characteristics:
Your Ascendant falls in sign Leo. This sign has been classified as a fiery, fixed or grave sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is sterile and bestial by nature.
For being born in this Ascendant, you are likely to be endowed with an impressive appearance and firm disposition; your nature will be proud and fearless - rich in life and feeling. You will be ambitious - fond of pomp and magnanimity; but you will always resent any kind of clique and secrecy. You will be very rude towards your adversaries and determined to destroy them at any cost. You will be very courteous and generous as well; will remain ever optimistic, high-spirited, and oblivious to enmity. You will have unique adaptable quality and mingle yourself with new / changed conditions. You will get success in your ventures easily and achieve your goal. Your desired aspirations will be accomplished.
You will have a serious disposition, determined nature, and always believe in keeping promises and fulfilling commitments. You will be traditionalist and have firm believe in traditions and conventions. You will have desire of living freely like a king. You will be authoritative and command others. You will hate restrictions. For your majestic qualities, you will turn many heads and attract the attention of the people occupying authoritative positions. You will be faithful and kind-hearted, for which reason people in your circle will treat you with due respect. Your outlook towards life will be spiritual and philosophical. You will believe in God's existence and have respect for him. You will not commit sinful act. You will not be envious and malicious.
You will be nature loving and like to visit forest and hilly areas. You will have inclination towards literature, music and art. Your attitude will be positive. You may have an intense desire to come to the fore; for fulfilling your objective, you may work hard for acquiring some special abilities.
Physical Appearance:
Your complexion will be reddish. You are likely to have a strong build and impressive physical structure. Your face is likely to be oval shaped and forehead may be prominent. Your distinctive features will be upright walk with a sunny cheerful disposition. With these, you will be the center of attraction everywhere you go.
Mental Characteristics:
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Leo - which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fixed, positive, and fiery sign. You will be endowed with a forceful nature, impressive and commanding personality. You will have an open mind, austere character, generous nature, warm sympathies, frank disposition, and adventurous spirit - and have an inclination for hazardous feats and risky exploits. You have been in a duty conscious family, will have gains through legacy, and attain significant success after marriage. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with the Moon or aspects it, then you will have plenty of confidence, and good gains through speculative investments and entertainment fields; you might also be endowed with some artistic faculty.
Although you will be successful to subdue your enemies, domestic infelicity and troubles to children might cause you some serious concern. But if a natural malefic planet exerts its influence instead, then you may be endowed with a false sense of pride and vainglorious disposition; you may acquire a watchful nature, and become distrustful of others; self-imposition and deception may mar your life - as you may tend to assert your independence at inopportune moments. You would always be laborious, yet you may not be able to achieve significant success in your early age-period; your late age-period will however be really safe and secure.
The Moon's position in sign Leo is not favorable for your father; if some benign modifying influences are not present in the chart, then it may indicate some troubles for your father - particularly sometime during your early age-periods. It is however very beneficial in respect of money-matters, and for gaining direct financial benefits and indirect favors from some persons of authority and power.
The Moon in Leo will surely uplift you to the higher rungs of the socio-economic ladder, and will bestow on you a fairly respectable position of responsibility and honor; you can look forward to becoming a departmental head or manager or even a director. You can also be susceptible in affairs of the heart, but you will prove to be very sincere - faithful in love and dauntless in war. Your intuitive faculties might also be fairly well-developed, which may help you to make use of a very rare opportunity for coming up in life; and when you will have ultimately arrived, you will lead your life like a movie-star.
You will have an artistic inclination and a creative mind. You will have excellent management skills and able to organize the things in a perfect manner. You will be daring and dauntless like a lion. You will be energetic and full of life. You will be thin-skinned and truthful.
Negative Traits:
You will like to rule others and may be inconsiderate. You may be short tempered and fanatical. At times you may be haughty.
Special Characteristics:
- You will appreciate good quality work and skilled workers and expect same from others for yourself.
- You will be open minded and will be able to adjust with every person, whether he / she belongs to high or low class.
- You will remain attached to your traditions and customs.
Suitable Profession:
You can look forward to having excellent advancement in politics. You can become a political leader, senior executive, diplomat or administrator. You can be successful in research and development work being as a scientist or technician. You can earn money through marble, timber and other product related with forest. You can be a teacher, actor, artist, jeweler, sports person or geologist.
Benefic and malefic Planets:
- Mars, lord of the 4th and 9th house, is most benefic and yogkark.
- Sun, lord of ascendant is benefic.
- Jupiter, lord of the 8th house is marakesh.
- Venus and Mercury are malefic.
- Saturn is most malefic.
- Moon, Jupiter and Saturn are neutral.
Planetary Combination (Yoga) Prediction
Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, the lords of the Ascendant- and the 12th- houses are situated in the mutually angular (kendra) houses - i.e., in the Ascendant-, the 4th-, the 7th- and the 10th- houses - while one or more friendly planets aspect/s these. This overall combination is highly auspicious - and is termed as Parvata Yoga (as per Vidyanatha's Jataka Parijata). By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be very fortunate, learned in ancient religious scriptures and sacred classics, gifted with eloquence, and of charitable disposition. Besides, you will be splendorous, mirthful, a very important and highly respected person in the city/ town/ village/ society.
In your horoscope, a natural benefic planet is situated in the Ascendant, and another natural benefic planet is situated in the 9th-house. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Chaamara Yoga. By virtue of being born with this combination, you will be well versed in arts and literature, and endowed with the gift of eloquence. You become a very renowned scholar, and receive due acclaim and patronage from the highest authorities of the state/ country.
In your horoscope, the benefic planets Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury are situated in an angular (kendra), or trinal (trikona), or in the 2nd house - while Jupiter is in exaltation, or own-house or a friendly sign. This constitutes a highly favorable yoga, termed as Saraswati Yoga. By virtue of presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be well educated and highly intelligent. You might be good at dramatics, skilled in poetry, narrative description, and exposition of the ancient sacred classics and traditional folklores. You will be highly fortunate, and will be respected even by the highly respected people.
In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is situated in any house other than the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th; the sign-lord (or the sign-lord) of the 5th-lord is situated in the 5th-house. This very favorable parivartana-yoga combination is termed as Mahaa Yoga. By virtue of having this auspicious combination present in your horoscope, you will be blessed by the goddess of wealth, and receive rewards and benefits from the authorities and the state. You will lead your life in comfort and style - together with your spouse, children, relatives and friends. You will be well-respected in the society, and your credibility, honor, fame, and reputation - all will be ever-waxing.
In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination, you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault of your own.
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined together with a natural malefic planet, and any natural benefic planet is neither associated with it nor aspects it; besides, no natural benefic planet situated in- or aspects- the Ascendant. The overall combination is rather unfavorable, termed as Deha-Kashta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are present in your horoscope, then you may not be financially well-off, and/ or circumstantially may lack physical comforts and pleasures.
In your horoscope, a natural malefic planet - which is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra - is situated in your 2nd-house. The 2nd-lord or the lord of its Navamsha-sign is a natural malefic planet, or is weak for being debilitated or combust or eclipsed, or is associated with a natural malefic planet in Lagna-Kundali or in Navamsha Kundali. This unfavorable combination is termed as Durmukha Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then then you may not be endowed with pleasing appearance; alternately, or in addition, you may acquire irritable disposition, tend to lose your temper frequently, and utter harsh and abusive words - for which even your own people may greatly dislike you.
In your horoscope, the same planet becomes the Ascendant-lord and the 4th-lord (or these two house-lords are mutually friends as per Naisargika-relationship). Besides it is conjoined with or aspected by a natural benefic planet. This is a really favorable combination, termed as Matri-Sneha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, your mother (or some other person of similar relation) will treat you with great affection, and she will also be similarly disposed towards you.
In your horoscope, the three natural benefic planets (Jupiter, Venus, and Mercury) - either jointly or severally - are situated in the Ascendant or the 2nd- or the 4th- or the 5th- or the 7th- or the 9th- or the 10th- house. Besides, Jupiter is situated in exaltation, or own-sign, or own-nakshatra, or friendly sign. This overall combination is especially favorable, termed as Saraswati Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you may be a favored person - blessed by the goddess of learning. You will be a highly learned person, endowed with excellent proficiency in literary pursuits and/ or fine arts. You will be praised by one and all, and your name and fame will be widespread. Your family-life will be very joyful and happy.
In your horoscope, the natural significator for marriage (Venus) is not retrograde, or combust or eclipsed. Besides, it is conjoined with- or aspected by- the best of natural benefic planets (Jupiter). This is a favorable combination, termed as SatKalatra Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be really very fortunate in respect of having a spouse - who will hail from a noble family, and be an embodiment of virtues and qualities.
In your horoscope, the 3rd-house falls in the sign of a natural benefic planet, and a natural benefic planet is situated in- or aspecting- the 3rd-house - while the lord of the Navamsha-sign of the 3rd-lord is also a natural benefic planet. The overall combination is a beneficial one, termed as SatKathadi-Shravan Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be a pious soul; you will be interested in studying ancient classics, and religious scriptures, and philosophy; you will also be greatly interested to have a glimpse of the religious heads, and devotedly listen to their religious discourses.
In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord is situated in an angular (kendra) position from the Ascendant. It is neither combust nor eclipsed; besides, it is being aspected by a natural benefic planet, while no natural malefic planet aspects it. This overall combination is a very favorable one, termed as Sumukha Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be endowed with a very attractive appearance and a smiling face - which will help you to win over anybody you will ever come across.
In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord is situated in an angular (kendra) position from the Ascendant. It is neither combust nor eclipsed; besides, it is well placed for being in exaltation or own-sign or in a friendly house; besides, it further attains strength in the divisional charts. This overall combination is a very favorable one, termed as Sumukha Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be endowed with a very attractive appearance and a smiling face - which will help you to win over anybody you will ever come across.
In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is a natural benefic planet. The lord of Navamsha-sign of the 5th-lord is also a natural benefic planet. None of these two planets is combust or eclipsed either. This is a very favorable combination, termed as Teevra-Buddhi Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be endowed with very sharp intelligence, and fast thinking ability. You will be able to penetrate into any subject very deeply, and grasp the things very quickly.
In your horoscope, the lord of Navamsha-sign of 3rd-lord is in vargottama position. This is a highly favorable combination, termed as Rana Praveena Yoga. You are very much likely to become a capable strategist, and gain a series of victories in warfare and/ or active service.
Applicable Ravi Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
As a planet (excepting Moon) is placed in the 2nd from the position of Sun in your horoscope, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Vesi Yoga. as the concerned planet is a natural malefic, the combination is not an auspicious one. The overall combination is termed as Papa-Vesi Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination in your horoscope, you may become a harsh speaker, have dissensions in your family, and possess lopsided views. However, you may tend to be very energetic and active, and try to amass wealth by resorting to some quick methods and convenient means. Although you might be fairly wealthy, you may face wide fluctuations - for which you may become worried at times.
Applicable Nabhasha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, all the planets (from Sun to Saturn) are situated only in the odd houses (1st/ 3rd/ 5th/ 7th/ 9th/ 11th) from your Ascendant. A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Chakra Yoga is present in your horoscope. It is a highly praised combination, and you will be fortunate in many respects. With your firm determination and strength of will, you will always have a positive view in all things. You will be a go-getter and an achiever; you will fulfill all your commitments - for which you will be treated with respect by one and all; there are also chances that you will receive special honors from the authorities. As a powerful person of rank and authority, you will become very distinguished. You will become very wealthy and exceptionally influential.
A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Paasha Yoga is present in your horoscope. This is not a very favorable combination, and during some period in your life, you may have to struggle against adversities and impediments. You may remain in service of others in humble capacities earning modest remuneration and without being treated with due respect. Although you may be skilful in work, you may have a somewhat spiteful disposition; at times you may forget your manners, and lose the sense of propriety. You might be bound to stay in a place against your will under circumstantial compulsion.
Applicable Dhana Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives, and friends.
As in your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord conjoined with Jupiter - which is occupying a favorable position, an auspicious Dhana Yoga has been formed. You will be fortunate in respect of money-matters, have excellent earnings, and surely become very rich.
As your 11th house coincides with an airy sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the western direction from your native/ birth place.
Applicable Vitta Hani Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
As in your horoscope a dire malefic planet is situated in your 8th house - which is not influenced by a benefic planet, although you will be fairly well-off, you should remain very careful and cautious, and not take too many chances unnecessarily; you may have to face an untoward happening of serious sort; it is also appears possible that you may inflict grievous injuries to some other person/s - for which you might be hauled up and even be punished.
In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord aspects the planet - who is the lord of Navamsha-sign occupied by the 12th-lord planet. This is a Vitta-Hani Yoga combination; you are not likely to be a wealthy person. You may be a habitual spendthrift; owing to your nature, you may face financial hardship during your late-age periods.
Astro Constants Prediction
Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':
You have been born in Sun's Uttarayana (or Soumyayana). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a liberal minded person endowed with generous instincts and have a high morale. You will always be engaged in doing virtuous deeds, and your conduct will be righteous. You will become known for possessing qualities like endurance, patience, and perseverance. You will enjoy a long life amidst ever waxing prosperity, and your domestic life will be peaceful and happy. However, if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic planets in the next 'occupied' sign, or in the 8th from Sun's place, then you might become hard-hearted - as a result of suffering from various causes for a long duration.
Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):
You have been born in Shishira Ritu (or Winter Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will possess good health, sound physique, stout figure, and a strong mind. You will have attractive features and handsome looks, but may also be endowed with a quick-to-anger disposition - more so when your interests are at stake. You will have good appetite, and be fond of partaking sweet foods. You will be a person of virtuous disposition, and always engaged in doing righteous deeds. You will love your spouse and children very dearly, and they will become a source of pride and joy to you forever.
Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):
(11)You have been born in Magha Masa (January/ February). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are very favorable. You will be endowed with sharp intelligence and your religious inclination will be profound. You will be fond of listening to religious discourses, intensively study the sacred religious classics, and remain engaged in practicing 'yoga-asana' or meditation. You might also gain good proficiency in subjects like spells (Mantra) and incantations (Tantra). You will refrain from committing any sinful act, overcome your enemies by using your intelligence and influence, and always remain engaged in doing meritorious and philanthropic deeds. For your praiseworthy qualities, people will treat you with great respect and honor.
Results of Birth in 'Paksha':
You have been born in Shukla Paksha. If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a person of amiable disposition and optimistic nature, and possess broadness of mind and a good moral character as well. With your clarity of thought and expression, you will be able to impress your contemporaries. You will be blessed with good longevity, and enjoy a peaceful and happy family life with your spouse and children. Your state of health may appear to be a bit delicate, but you will have strong resistance to disease.
As the great benefic planet Jupiter is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will possess mental composure and evenness of temper. You will be an open-minded person with frank nature, optimistic outlook, and philanthropic disposition. Financially you will be fairly well off, and the circle of your friends and acquaintances will be quite large. You will always be in a position to decide for yourself, and the people in your circle may seek your valuable opinion or advice on some important matters that concern them.
As Mars is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will possess a heavy muscular body and a quick-to-anger disposition. Although normally you will remain mirthful, you will tend to become inflamed suddenly if you feel offended or your interests are at stake. You may suffer from some disease in connection with blood or blood pressure. You are likely to remain engrossed in mundane affairs and material acquisitions. In connection with property-matters, you may get into some disputes - which might even lead to lawsuit.
Result of Birth in Weekday
You have been born on a Monday. As the lord of the weekday, Moon acquires special importance in your chart; its results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are favorable. You will be a learned person of peaceful disposition - besides being soft-spoken and having equanimity of mind. You will remain unperturbed by the ever-changing external conditions, and know the ways for fulfilling your own objectives. You will be very popular, and enjoy many direct favors and indirect benefits from the authorities.
Results of Birth in Day or Night :
You have been born during night time. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then You might be somewhat lethargic, and fond of sleeping during daytime. You may be somewhat secretive, and may wish to keep some of your desires or intentions latent. Besides, you may be a bit lustful - for which you might be subdued by your spouse. However, if a planet is situated in your Ascendant or aspects it, then you will be active, energetic, optimistic, and beaming with enthusiasm.
Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :
As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Sukarmana yoga. This yoga belongs to favorable category. By virtue of being born under this yoga, you will be fortunate in many respects. As the name implies, you will be a worthy person and gain fame and renown for doing righteous and praiseworthy deeds. You will be courageous and enthusiastic, and always remain very optimistic and cheerful. You will be deft and skilful in your work, and become popoular for your benevolent nature.
Results of Birth in Tithi :
You have been born on 'Poornima' (or the 15th tithi of Shukla Paksha). If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results will be more favorable. You will be fortunate in many respects; you will be endowed with attractive features, beautiful/ handsome looks, pleasing manners, and agreeable disposition. You will earn wealth by your own endeavors and through justifiable means, and lead a happy life in comfort and style. If a natural malefic planet afflicts Moon by conjunction or aspect, then you may have a sensuous and pleasure-hunting nature; but your married life may not last long. If both Mars and Rahu afflict Moon, then your spouse may have fear from snake-bite, and you may marry for the second time.
Results of Birth in Karana :
You have been born in 'Vishti' Karana. It is the seventh Karana of the 'Chara' category. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not very favorable in certain respects. You intelligence may not be sharp, but it could be of somewhat vicious kind owing to your nature or inclinations - it will be more so when you might fear that your interests are at stake. You will be endowed with strength and stamina - with which you can easily vanquish your enemies with little or no effort. Physically you will possess a shapely figure with attractive features, and might develop a somewhat inconstant or playful nature; you could become somewhat indolent too. If you are a female person, then you may face some problems at the time of childbirth.
Results of birth in Nakshatra :
In your horoscope, Moon is situated in Magha Nakshatra. By virtue of being born in this nakshatra, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will remain very devoted to your father, and treat elders with respect. You will be very intelligent and well educated person, and have much of interest in studying the sacred ancient classics. You will be engaged in doing some important work, and your excellent earnings will enable you to live in comfort and style. For your broadness of mind and generous instincts, you will be the center of attraction in your large circle of friends and acquaintances. You will be bold and courageous, and totally vanquish your enemies and opponents. Thank you.