My business is no good. I bought land in 2017. I am unable to pay loan. I want to sell that land but not selling. What should I do? [Asked by Yasoda Basnet from Sunsari, Nepal]
Name/Nike Name: Yasoda Basnet
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 21 April 1981 , 10:21 AM,
Age: 39 Years (Completed)
Country: Nepal
City, Region: Sunsari
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 21 April 1981 , 10:21 AM,
Age: 39 Years (Completed)
Country: Nepal
City, Region: Sunsari
My business is no good. I bought land in 2017. I am unable to pay loan. I want to sell that land but not selling. What should I do?
Prediction by Astrologer Gokul Adhikari
Dear Yasoda Basnet,
As per the information you mentioned in your query, It can be seen that you had malefic effect from Rahu which from the month of July 2016 to February 2019 which has brought troubles in your life, career and business. But, you don't need to be worry during this time because things likey to become normal ahead. You have favorable support from Venus from the month of March 2020 to August of 2020 which does indicate that your business likey to get improve during these time periods. You have fine prospects to be in company of sensible persons, regain your peace of mind and tranquility, and become engaged in doing worthy deeds. If you remain engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, then you shall meet with success of superlative degree by dint of your endeavors, and thereby gain some fame and renown. You are about to occupy a fairly respectable position, your earnings will be very good, your standard of living will considerably improve, and you will be treated with due respect by people in general. Your popularity will be greatly increased, your views and opinions will be considered of value and importance; people would seek your discerning advice on some serious matters - which are of real concern to them. But you must not become heady, and try your level best not to diverge from the avenues of honesty and modesty; otherwise, around the closing of this period, you could suddenly find yourself thrown out of the usual track; and in spite of your praiseworthy accomplishments, you may gradually start fading into oblivion or ignominy.
However, the Sun in transit is crossing over the 8th from your Moon-sign in this month. This is not a favourable transit and you may feel uneasy owing to excessive heat-generation in the body and may suffer from some minor ailments. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may become somewhat argumentative and people may brand you as a quarrelsome person. You should remain very careful and ensure that you do not antagonize government officials; otherwise, you may become a victim of their wrath. I've prepared basic Chart/Kundali report for you.
General Characteristics:
Your Ascendant falls in the Gemini sign, which is signified by the picture of a pair of children - the symbol of duality. This sign has been classified as an airy, common or flexed sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is human, double-bodied or bi-corporeal, sterile, and violent by nature; it is a sign of voice also.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will be basically an intellectual person - probably having some artistic inclinations as well; when it comes to intellectual pursuits, you will be industrious. Some of your special characteristics will be a unique kind of versatility, dualistic nature, and somewhat excitable disposition. You will be highly intelligent and very humane, well disposed to others, truly judicious and impartial. You will be very polite, amicable and skilled and a prominent orator.
You will have an insatiable thirst for various kinds of knowledge and information, and the latest technological developments will attract you grossly. You will be of inventive nature and will try to explore every aspect of the related subject. Your education, knowledge and brainpower would help you to achieve advancement in your career as well as in life. You will be quite rational and open minded. Your wisdom and diplomatic skills will help you to beat or destroy your adversaries.
You will be a disciplined and principled person. But, in spite of possessing so many desirable qualities, you may lack patience. You may have ever-changing views and shifting objectives; you may believe in or preach something today, but your views may become just the obverse tomorrow or the day after. You may make the observing people quite confused at times; yet they will always consider you to be an interesting person. You will love every one.
Physical Appearance: You are likely to have a tall, slender and a neat physical structure. You will have a charming face with expressive eyes, a wide forehead, curly hair, long arms and fingers.
Mental Characteristics:
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Libra - the sign signified by a weighing balance as a symbol of Divine Justice - which is ruled by Venus. It is a movable, positive, and airy sign. You will be endowed with a kind, generous, and humane nature, and an amiable sympathetic disposition; your mind will be well balanced, and your imagination will be very fruitful. You will attach due importance to peaceful home-life, be a votary of harmony, and steadfastness in affection will be your main characteristic quality. You will rise in your life by dint of your own merit and abilities, while you may also face sudden fall or dislocation owing to your own fault or blunder-like mistake. You are likely to get married to someone hailing from a family of higher socio-economic status, but you may lack harmony in your married life owing to wide differences - not only in backgrounds, but also in principles.
If some benign modifying influences are not present in your chart, you may not be very happy in your early childhood - it might be due to financial inconveniences, but more probably owing to one of your family-members - who might have become a source of insurmountable worries to you. But later the situation will be considerably improved - possibly taking effect with change of place of residence - which may and can happen when you would join in a profession, and/ or get married. Such a change would surely be a landmark in your life.
You will have a genial nature, but you may at the same time have some inherent weakness also - as you are prone to be influenced by males quite easily; you might also be disposed to some undesirable habits and sheer extravagance - these might take you on the verge of ruin. Although you will be very intelligent and quite clever, and understand the general affairs of business and profession pretty well, your nature could be always somewhat unsteady and dwindling, and your restless mind may encourage you to go abruptly off the course for pursuing a perceived golden goose that is wrongly believed to lie within easy reach - just on the greener side of the fence.
You may pursue some hobby that may some years later become your mainstream of profession; in addition or alternately, at the same time or at two different times, you may follow two different streams of profession. The situation will however improve for the better - as you would mature with age and experience. All your life, you will remain faithful to your friends, and oblivious to your enemies. For your sense of probity and justice, you will command due appreciation, admiration and respect from the people in general.
You will be creative, artistic and imaginative. You will have the ability to adjust yourself according to the circumstances. Due to your humorous nature and charismatic personality, you will be the pride of all gatherings. You will be sympathetic and always help people. You will be intellectual and multitalented. Your speaking abilities will be excellent.
Negative Traits:
You can waste your energy in exploring new things. Your choice in selecting friends may turn out to be wrong, as they may deceive you. You may be a swindler.
Special Characteristics:
- You will be intelligent, skilled and original.
- You will be versatile and would possess knowledge in many fields.
- You will be humours, witty and will be full of energy.
- You will have great interest in reading and writing.
Best Profession for You:
Publication, journalism, communication, marketing and transport can be favourable fields for you. You can look forward to having excellent advancement in space research, navigation, tourism, cottage industry or information technology. You can be a lawyer, a professor, an accountant, a consultant or a mathematician.
Benefic and malefic Planets:
- Mercury, lord of the 1st and 4th house, is most benefic.
- Moon is neutral.
- Venus, lord of the 5th house, is benefic.
- Sun, Mars and Saturn are malefics.
- Jupiter is markesh.
Yogas Prediction
Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :
You are a male person, born during daytime. The signs of your Ascendant, Moon and Sun - all fall in 'odd' signs. Termed as Maha-Bhagya Yoga, this very combination is really very rare, and full of special propensities. By virtue of being born under this configuration, you will surely rise to a very high station in life, and become a celebrity. It also appears entirely possible that you may wield extra-ordinary power and influence. You will be very famous, highly respected, and command an excellent following. It is also quite possible that, for your significant contributions, finally you may even find an allocation in the annals of the national- or even international- history.
In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination, you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault of your own.
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined together with a natural malefic planet, and any natural benefic planet is neither associated with it nor aspects it; besides, no natural benefic planet situated in- or aspects- the Ascendant. The overall combination is rather unfavorable, termed as Deha-Kashta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are present in your horoscope, then you may not be financially well-off, and/ or circumstantially may lack physical comforts and pleasures.
In your horoscope, the Ascendant lord falls in a movable (chara) sign; it is aspected by a natural benefic planet, and no natural malefic planet is either associated with it or aspects it. Besides, no natural malefic planet is either associated with the Ascendant or aspects it. This overall combination is a favorable one, and is termed as Deha-Pushti Yoga. Owing to presence of this combination, you will be financially well-off, possess a well-developed physique, and enjoy all paraphernalia of life.
In your horoscope, a natural malefic planet - which is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in own-nakshatra - is situated in your 2nd-house. The 2nd-lord or the lord of its Navamsha-sign is a natural malefic planet, or is weak for being debilitated or combust or eclipsed, or is associated with a natural malefic planet in Lagna-Kundali or in Navamsha Kundali. This unfavorable combination is termed as Durmukha Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then then you may not be endowed with pleasing appearance; alternately, or in addition, you may acquire irritable disposition, tend to lose your temper frequently, and utter harsh and abusive words - for which even your own people may greatly dislike you.
Your Ascendant is Gemini, and Mercury is your Ascendant-lord and the 4th-lord as well. In your horoscope, Mercury is conjoined with (or aspected by) a natural malefic planet. This is not a favorable combination, termed as Matri-Satrutwa Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then it appears entirely possible that, owing to some reason (or without any apparent reason), you may become inimically disposed to your mother (or some other person of similar relation), and/ or she might become similarly disposed towards you.
In your horoscope, the same planet becomes the Ascendant-lord and the 4th-lord (or these two house-lords are mutually friends as per Naisargika-relationship). Besides it is conjoined with or aspected by a natural benefic planet. This is a really favorable combination, termed as Matri-Sneha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, your mother (or some other person of similar relation) will treat you with great affection, and she will also be similarly disposed towards you.
In your horoscope, natural malefic planets influence the 2nd-house by position and aspect, while the same is neither conjoined with nor aspected by any natural benefic planet. Besides, the 2nd-lord is aspected by a natural malefic planet, and the lord of its Navamsha-sign is also such a planet. The overall combination is unfavorable, termed as Vishaprayoga Yoga. If some strong modifying influence is not present in your horoscope, then knowingly or unknowingly you may consume some poisonous substance, or may badly suffer as a result of taking wrong medicines owing to fault of somebody else.
In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is exalted, and is situated in a movable (chara) sign or Navamsha; besides, it is associated with one or more natural malefic planet/s - while no natural benefic planet is conjoined with it or aspects it. The overall combination is not very favorable, termed as Poorva Dridhachitta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then you may have the habit of pretending to be very courageous before the commencement of a challenging task; but, when when you will face the real situation, you may become perplexed, apprehend fear and feel very helpless.
Applicable Arishta Yogas in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, Jupiter and Saturn are situated in your 4th house. While Jupiter is neither exalted nor situated in own house, Saturn is retrograde. This is an unfavorable combination - termed as Arishta Yoga. One of your children might suffer during sometime of his/ her life and his/ her health and well-being might be of serious concern to your family-members. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, the mental condition of one of your children might become somewhat deteriorated during sometime in his/ her life.
Applicable Chandra Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
You have favorable Amala Yoga combination present in your horoscope. You have been born in a fairly well to do family, will have a good upbringing, receive favors and benefits from your superiors, rise to a fairly stable position, and your fortune will be gradually waxing.
As a planet (excepting Sun) is present in the 12th from the position of Moon, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Anapha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, you will remain free from diseases and will be fortunate in many respects. You will have a charming disposition, be endowed with virtues, and be fairly popular and well-known in society.
Applicable Nabhasha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Shoola Yoga is present in your horoscope. This is not a very praised combination, and you may not be happy in certain respects. You will be courageous, remain fearless in dangers, and may acquire a stern disposition. Inwardly, you might be over-ambitious, and somewhat selfish or interest-oriented as well. You may develop a quarrelsome nature and very aggressive disposition, and become especially fond of fighting open combat or lawsuit. For your own behavior, you might be scorned or despised by your own people. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then there are chances that you may meet with a violent or sad end.
Applicable Dhana Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives, and friends.
As in your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord conjoined with Jupiter - which is occupying a favorable position, an auspicious Dhana Yoga has been formed. You will be fortunate in respect of money-matters, have excellent earnings, and surely become very rich.
As your 11th house coincides with a fiery sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the eastern direction from your native/ birth place.
Applicable Vitta Hani Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
As in your horoscope a dire malefic planet is situated in your 8th house - which is not influenced by a benefic planet, although you will be fairly well-off, you should remain very careful and cautious, and not take too many chances unnecessarily; you may have to face an untoward happening of serious sort; it is also appears possible that you may inflict grievous injuries to some other person/s - for which you might be hauled up and even be punished.
In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord aspects the planet - who is the lord of Navamsha-sign occupied by the 12th-lord planet. This is a Vitta-Hani Yoga combination; you are not likely to be a wealthy person. You may be a habitual spendthrift; owing to your nature, you may face financial hardship during your late-age periods.
Applicable Anishta Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, one (or more) malefic planet/s is/ are situated in the 5th house while no benefic planet is situated in it. The malefic planet/s is/ are neither exalted nor situated in own house or nakshatra. This is an unfavorable combination - termed as Anishta Yoga. If modifying combinations are not present in your horoscope, then you may be unhappy on account of children.
As the 5th-lord is associated with a benefic planet in your horoscope, there is a silver-lining present in your horoscope; as such, in spite of the presence of Anishta Yoga, the situation will be considerably improved, and you may not face much of difficulties.
Astro Constant Prediction
Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':
You have been born in Sun's Uttarayana (or Soumyayana). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a liberal minded person endowed with generous instincts and have a high morale. You will always be engaged in doing virtuous deeds, and your conduct will be righteous. You will become known for possessing qualities like endurance, patience, and perseverance. You will enjoy a long life amidst ever waxing prosperity, and your domestic life will be peaceful and happy. However, if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic planets in the next 'occupied' sign, or in the 8th from Sun's place, then you might become hard-hearted - as a result of suffering from various causes for a long duration.
Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):
You have been born in Basant Ritu (or Spring Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a very beautiful/ handsome person with attractive features, amiable disposition, and pleasing manners. You will not only be endowed with courage and valor, but also possess prudence, farsightedness, and sense of propriety. You will gain proficiency in mathematics, be learned in various sacred ancient classics, and may acquire some skill in music or some branch of fine arts as well. You will be a pure-hearted person, and fond of wearing fashionable dresses.
Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):
(1)You have been born in Chaitra Masa (March/ April). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be a courteous, modest, affectionate, virtuous, and learned person. You will be endowed with many desirable qualities, and some extraordinary gifts or talents. For your virtuous and philanthropic deeds, people in general will treat you with respect. With your profound learning in various sacred classics, you will attract the attention of the people from very high walks of life; you may shine forth as an Adviser or Consultant. Although some of deliberations might be of quite strange sort, still you will be able to get along with people from various walks of life very well.
Results of Birth in 'Paksha':
You have been born in Krishna Paksha. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. Your constitution might be somewhat weak, and you might be susceptible to suffer from disease. You may be endowed with restless nature and inconstant disposition. You might be branded as a mischievous- and/ or quarrelsome- person. By nature you might be quite sentimental; without viewing things in their proper perspective, you may tend to exaggerate trifles. Besides, you may have a lustful nature and remain subservient to your spouse.
As Mars is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will possess a heavy muscular body and a quick-to-anger disposition. Although normally you will remain mirthful, you will tend to become inflamed suddenly if you feel offended or your interests are at stake. You may suffer from some disease in connection with blood or blood pressure. You are likely to remain engrossed in mundane affairs and material acquisitions. In connection with property-matters, you may get into some disputes - which might even lead to lawsuit.
Result of Birth in Weekday
You have been born on a Tuesday. As the lord of the weekday, Mars acquires special importance in your chart; its results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are favorable. You will be a passionate person with a burning zeal - more apt to be forceful and commit even some rash acts with sudden spurt of energy. You may tend to speak in an ironical manner, and be fond of strife and conquest. You may earn your living from metals, land, real estate, or some active services like defense, police, firefighting, etc.
Results of Birth in Day or Night :
You have been born during daytime. The indications are favorable. You will be active, energetic, intelligent, and brilliant. You will inherit the good qualities of your father, possess fine expressive eyes, and have an ever-optimistic nature. You will become known for your meritorious deeds. Your earnings will be good, and you will befriend many persons from the higher walks of life. For your virtues and qualities, people in general will treat you with respect.
Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :
As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Vyatipata yoga. This yoga has been considered to be one of the extremely unfavorable ones. For being born under this yoga, you might have suffered from physical pains and/ or faced some other acute problems in your early childhood. Your constitution might be quite slim, yet you will be endowed with attractive features. You will be obedient to your parents. However, you may become hard-hearted, and have no concern for others.
Results of Birth in Tithi :
You have been born on 'Dwitiya' (or the 2nd) tithi. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results will be favorable; you will be wealthy, and your family life will be very peaceful and happy. You will be a good natured- and kind-hearted- person, and possess the sense of discrimination. You will be an embodiment of virtues and good qualities; with your thoughtful disposition and good conduct, you will win the hearts of the people you will come across. But if a natural malefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then owing loss of wealth, you may not be able to fulfill your commitments; and your family life might be like sailing on tempestuous seas.
Results of Birth in Karana :
You have been born in 'Garija' Karana. It is the fifth Karana of the 'Chara' category. You will be endowed with good health and sound physique, beautiful/ handsome appearance, and pleasing manners. You will be intelligent and wise, liberal-minded, honorable, and beneficially disposed to others. You will be clever, but will be judicious as well; you will be able to have all your enemies fully subdued - but you will do so without resorting to cliques, coteries, or underhand actions. The keys to your success will be patience, perseverance, discretion, and timely action. You will be able to make your own headway, and surpass many of your contemporaries in the long run.
Results of birth in Nakshatra :
In your horoscope, Moon is situated in Vishakha Nakshatra. By virtue of being born in this nakshatra, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will be a religious minded person of sweet nature and mild disposition. You will be highly intelligent, well education, cultured, and refined in taste. Study of sacred ancient classics and intellectual investigation will attract you greatly. You will endowed with a developed sense of probity and justice, and gain popularity for your liberal outlook and balanced point of view. You will always be in favor of enhancing co-ordination and harmony, and achieve your objectives by insisting on the importance of compromise and value of co-operation. You are likely to become a chemist; for your mastery in writing, you might be an author of repute. Thank you.