What will happen to my overall career path in this year 2020? Asked by Yogeswary from Malaysia.
Name/Nike Name: Yogeswary
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 17 March 1992, 12:22 PM
Age: 28 years (completed)
Country: Malaysia
City, Region: Shah Alam, Selangor
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 17 March 1992, 12:22 PM
Age: 28 years (completed)
Country: Malaysia
City, Region: Shah Alam, Selangor
What will happen to my overall career path in this year 2020?
Prediction by Yodha Astro Guru
Dear Yogeswary,
In Vedic astrology, the result based on the 10th house and its lord and or relations with other planets and houses of horoscope (Kundli) are regarded as career horoscope.
We can see that, Sun and Mercury are rulling planet in your chart during this this time. Mercury is a quick moving planet. Hence, your carrer likely to keep getting changed within the month of March of 2021. But, it shall be fixed or get improved within the month of July of 2022 under the good support and blessing of Sun.
If you remain engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, then you will have extra-ordinary accomplishments. If you remain engaged in business activities, then you will have much of progress. But if at least one of these two planets bears some affliction in your horoscope, then the period may not be very good. You may get into difficulties with your superiors or authorities, and some of your relatives or friends may become unfavorably disposed towards you. You may remain in perpetual tension; for fear of facing possible disgrace or dishonor, you may neither be able to relish your food, nor have sound sleep. Your children may also cause you some problems, and you may have many fruitless journeys to long-distance places. You should take more care of your health - as it might naturally be somewhat affected. If Mercury is 'combust', then you may have some problems with your eyesight; besides, you may also suffer from indigestion, loss of appetite, insomnia, and disorder of nervous or respiratory system. Here is your year horoscope of 2020.
Sun Dasha 17:03:2020-19:04:2020
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Sun is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in debilitation; and, it is not eclipsed. On the whole these constitute a rather neutral combination. Sun Dasha will thus be ordinary only, and without any significant event/ happening. However, you may face some problems at your workplace, and you may feel irritated for having some minor disagreement or misunderstanding with one of your superiors or colleagues quite frequently.
If you remain engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, then you will have extra-ordinary accomplishments. If you remain engaged in business activities, then you will have much of progress. But if at least one of these two planets bears some affliction in your horoscope, then the period may not be very good. You may get into difficulties with your superiors or authorities, and some of your relatives or friends may become unfavorably disposed towards you. You may remain in perpetual tension; for fear of facing possible disgrace or dishonor, you may neither be able to relish your food, nor have sound sleep. Your children may also cause you some problems, and you may have many fruitless journeys to long-distance places. You should take more care of your health - as it might naturally be somewhat affected. If Mercury is 'combust', then you may have some problems with your eyesight; besides, you may also suffer from indigestion, loss of appetite, insomnia, and disorder of nervous or respiratory system. Here is your Patyayini Dash Prediction of this year 2020.
Mercury Dasha 27:05:2020--05:06:2020
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Mercury is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in debilitation; and, it is neither eclipsed nor combust. On the whole, these constitute a rather neutral combination. Mercury Dasha will thus be ordinary only, and without any significant event/ happening. All your affairs in general will run fairly well. In your sphere of profession, things will run quite smoothly; you will be able to find some free time to spend in company of your relatives and friends.
Venus Dasha 15:07:2020-11:11:2020
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Venus is not in exaltation or in own-sign or in debilitation; and, it is neither eclipsed nor combust. On the whole, these constitute a rather neutral combination. Venus Dasha will thus be ordinary only, and without any significant event/ happening. All your affairs in general will run fairly well. In your sphere of profession, things will run quite smoothly; you will be able to find some free time to spend in company of your relatives and friends. Your domestic life will be enjoyable and happy.
Ascendant Dasha 12:11:2020--18:12:2020
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, the Ascendant-lord is in exaltation or in own-sign. It is not retrograde or combust or eclipsed. This is a very fine combination. You wil be fortunate in many respects during the Lagna Dasha (period of the Ascendant). You will receive favors and benefits from your superiors and authorities, and an out-of-turn promotion might be bestowed on you. Your financial position and social status will be improved. If a natural benefic planet is situated in your Ascendant, then you may gain due recognition for your talents, or receive acclaim for some of your meritorious deeds or special accomplishments.
Mars Dasha 19:12:2020-20:02:2021
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Mars is not in exaltation or in own-signor in debilitation. And, it is neither combust nor eclipsed. On the whole these constitute a rather neutral combination. Mars Dasha will thus be ordinary only, and without any significant event/ happening. However, you may face some problems at your workplace; alternately, you may get into dispute with your brother or cousin or neighbor in connection with property-matters - for which you may feel irritated.
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Mars is situated in an upachaya house (the 3rd-, or the 6th-, or the 10th-, or the 11th-). It is neither debilitated nor blemished for being combust or eclipsed. This is a really favorable combination, and Mars Dasha will prove to be beneficial and advantageous for you. You will be successful in all your efforts, and may have some special accomplishment during the period. Senior authorities and government officials will be favorably disposed to you, and you are likely to receive favors or benefits from them.
Jupiter Dasha 21:02:2021-16:03:2021
In your Varsha-phala chart of this year, Jupiter is in exaltation or in own-sign, and it is not blemished for being combust or eclipsed. You will be fortunate in many respects during Jupiter Dasha. You will receive favors and benefits from your superiors and authorities. You will develop friendship with persons of rank, and your enemies will be fully subdued. Your earnings and acquisitions will increase, and your domestic life will be peaceful and happy; you will have satisfaction in everything. Your interest in religion and study of sacred classics will also increase. You will meet with pious people and listen to religious discourses. If you are in business, then you will have an advantageous, smooth-running, and gainful period.
We've prepared brief chart report for you as per the details you provided us.
General Characteristics:
Your Ascendant falls in the Sagittarius sign. This is a fiery, common or flexed, double-bodied or bi-corporeal sign (its first half is human, while the last half is bestial). Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is masculine, fruitful and violent by nature.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious. Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced. Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be well developed.
You will have high interest in games and sports, and other active outdoor activities. You will be very fond of touring, and will travel far and wide through many distant inland places, and may even go to a foreign country on a cultural or religious mission. You will have excellent communicating ability, and will possess an ever-optimistic outlook.
Physical Appearance: You will have a tall, beautiful figure and a well-formed, healthy physical structure. Your complexion is likely to be fair, with a long and oval face and a high forehead. You will have an open countenance with sparkling eyes.
Mental Characteristics:
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Leo - which is ruled by the Sun. It is a fixed, positive, and fiery sign. You will be endowed with a forceful nature, impressive and commanding personality. You will have an open mind, austere character, generous nature, warm sympathies, frank disposition, and adventurous spirit - and have an inclination for hazardous feats and risky exploits. You have been in a duty conscious family, will have gains through legacy, and attain significant success after marriage. If Moon exerts benefic influence, then you will have plenty of confidence, and good gains through speculative investments and entertainment fields; you might also be endowed with some artistic faculty. Although you will be successful to subdue your enemies, domestic infelicity and troubles to children might cause you some serious concern. But If Moon exerts malefic influence instead, then you may be endowed with a false sense of pride and vainglorious disposition; you may acquire a watchful nature, and become distrustful of others; self-imposition and deception may mar your life - as you may tend to assert your independence at inopportune moments. You would always be laborious, yet you may not be able to achieve significant success in your early age-period; your late age-period will however be really safe and secure.
The Moon's position in sign Leo is not favorable for your father; if some benign modifying influences are not present in the chart, then it may indicate some troubles for your father - particularly sometime during your early age-periods. It is however very beneficial in respect of money-matters, and for gaining direct financial benefits and indirect favors from some persons of authority and power. The Moon in Leo will surely uplift you to the higher rungs of the socio-economic ladder, and will bestow on you a fairly respectable position of responsibility and honor; you can look forward to becoming a departmental head or manager or even a director.
You can also be susceptible in affairs of the heart, but you will prove to be very sincere - faithful in love and dauntless in war. Your intuitive faculties might also be fairly well-developed, which may help you to make use of a very rare opportunity for coming up in life; and when you will have ultimately arrived, you will lead your life like a movie-star.
You will be intelligent and versatile. Because of your sympathetic nature, you will always be ready to help others. You will be endowed with energy and resources. You will be sanguine and a positive thinker. You will be broad minded. You will be religious, pious and will believe in God.
Negative Traits:
You may be vacillating and suspicious. You may be sensitive and may use harsh words or your acts may be rebellious.
Special Characteristics:
- You will be endowed with three main qualities viz. extension, expansion and excellence.
- You will never be disappointed and will have a positive outlook towards life.
- You will be a hard working person and will be dedicated to your work.
- You will be very straight forward in your talks and will not care for the feelings of others.
You can become a professor, an adviser, a minister, a councilor, a business executive, a preacher, a philosopher, or a lawyer. You can be a successful writer, publisher, accountant, army commander, sportsman, doctor, physician, or an explorer.
Benefic and malefic Planets:
- Sun, lord of the 9th house, and Mars are benefics.
- Mercury and Venus are malefics.
- Saturn, lord of the 2nd house, and Mercury, lord of the 7th house, are markesh.
- Jupiter and Moon are neutral.