Health, Relocation and Suitable Business Sector Predictions [Asked by Bam Bahadur]

Health, Relocation and Suitable Business Sector Horoscope Asked by Bam Bahadur from Jhapa, Nepal.

Health, Relocation and Suitable Business Sector  Predictions [Asked by Bam Bahadur]
Name/Nike Name: Bam Bahadur
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 06 June 1977, 03:15 PM
Age: 43 years (completed)
Country: Nepal
City, Region: Kathmandu
My legs swelling and paining. My eyes also have problem. When I get recovered? I am in foreign country. I want to come and do some my own business. Which business can I do? Which place is better for permanent living my birth place or place? 
Prediction by  Yodha Astro Guru

Dear Bam Bahadur,

While analyzing planet position and natal chart, the Sun in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign during this time. This is not a favourable transit and you are likely to face some problems at your workplace and also in your own house. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may become unwell and lack the vigour for physical enjoyments. This transit is not favourable for your parents, one of whose health-condition might cause you some concern.

We understand that how you most have been felling as things are not getting well since the November 2018 to till this date as Saturn is not well placed in the horoscope. It was really troublesome periods for you. It can be seen that, you suffered from some disease and got entangled into serious disputes with some people - probably some relatives, who might became inimically disposed towards you. In your sphere of profession too, you might have to face difficulties. You missed an opportunity of advancement owing to unexpected developments and adverse change of circumstances. Besides, you might have separated from a close relative - for which you might felt very miserable. 

However, the the things like to become normal after the month of October of 2020 to the month of July of 2021 under the support and blessing of Mars and Mercury in your chart. You are likely to be able to fulfil your commitments during that time. If you remain engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, you will have excellent progress. You will acquire sound knowledge in a chosen field, and you will become wiser and more discreet. One of your relatives will meet with some special success, for which you might be indirectly benefited; you will also be doing very well in your sphere of profession and have fairly smooth progress. You will receive favors and benefits from your superiors and authorities, and your earnings will be considerably increased. If you are in business, then you may have an opportunity to diversify into a prospective new field - wherefrom you will amass wealth. If you are having children, then with their progress in extra-curricular activities and academic pursuits as well, they will be a source of pride and joy to your family. 

In Vedic astrology, Satrun and Venus are regarded as the good planet for relocation. As you have good supports from Venus in your chart during this time you may think about relocation to your desired place but West direction is advisable for you from your birthplace or current vicinity. 

You health issues likely to get fixed during the month of Junuary of 2020 due to favourable placement of Sun in your chart. In case thigs take longer, there remain equally favorable time for you to become fine in the term of health July of 2021. You have fine prospects of being successful in every aspect of life during that times.

General Characteristics:

Your Ascendant falls in sign Sagittarius. This is a fiery, common or flexed, double-bodied or bi-corporeal sign (its first half is human, while the last half is bestial). Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is masculine, fruitful and violent by nature.

For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious. Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced. Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be well developed.

For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious. Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced. Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be well developed.

Physical Appearance:

You will have a tall, handsome figure and a well-formed, strong physical structure. Your complexion is likely to be fair, with a long and oval face and a high forehead - which might be bald about the temples. You will have an open countenance with sparkling eyes.

Mental Characteristics:

In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Taurus - which is ruled by Venus. It is a fixed, negative, and earthy sign. You are likely to have a quiet, steady, persistent and a determined nature. You will be cautious, a bit slow, free from impulses, and on the whole, a person of serious type. Characteristically, you will be very conservative, follow the established customs and conventions; resorting to major changes will appear quite repulsive to you, and you would be in the habit of resisting external influences that seek frequent amendments. You would be taking decisions only after carefully judging the pros and cons, and once you have decided upon, you will firmly stick to those.

You are likely to be engaged in doing the kind of jobs - which involve responsibility and may even require sub-ordination, and where much care or labor is required. Professions which involve much of outdoor work, lot of traveling for meeting with new people, speculative investments, taking big risks or spot decisions, highly technical jobs - which require fast thinking ability, etc may not be at all appealing to you; it may also not be suitable for you either. But owing to your praiseworthy qualities like patience, perseverance, honesty, sincerity, loyalty, etc you will enjoy favors and receive benefits from your superiors and authorities. You may not be able to secure many promotions in quick succession; your rank might be modest, but your remuneration will be very good. In the long run, you will rise to a fairly high and respectable position.

In respect of money-matters, you will remain very careful, and will always control your purse string very effectively. You will have a number of friends and acquaintances, but you would not like to spend money unnecessarily for entertaining them; yet you will be fairly generous in case of your close relatives. You will try to save as much money as possible for meeting the possible future needs of your family-members, who will remain very close to you. As you will be a caring spouse and a responsible parent, your family-members will love you dearly; but their outlook is more apt to be quite different from your own. But in your late age, you may find some difficulty to adjust yourself with their ever changing ways, unforeseen lifestyles, and radical differences in views.


You will be intelligent and versatile. For your sympathetic nature, you will always be ready to help others. You will be endowed with energy and resources. You will be sanguine and a positive thinker. You will be broad minded. You will be religious, pious and believe in God.

Negative Traits:

You may be vacillating and suspicious. You may speak sensitive and harsh words or your acts may be rebellious.

Special Characteristics:

  • You will be endowed with three main qualities viz. extension, expansion and excellence.
  • You will never be disappointed and will have positive outlook towards life
  • You will be a hard working person and dedicated to your work.
  • You will be very straight forward in your talks and will not care for the feelings of others.

Suitable Profession/Business

You can become a professor, adviser, minister, councilllor, business executive, preacher, philosopher, and lawyer. You can be a successful writer, publisher, accountant, army commander, sportsman, doctor, physician, and explorer.

Benefic and malefic Planets:

  • Sun, lord of the 9th house, and Mars, Trine lord, are benefics.
  • Mercury and Venus are malefics.
  • Saturn, lord of the 2nd house, and Mercury, lord of the 7th house, are markesh.
  • Jupiter and Moon are neutral.

Yogas Prediction

Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :

In your horoscope, the 9th-lord is in exaltation or in own-sign, and the lords of the Ascendant- and the 10th- houses are situated in mutually angular (kendra) houses. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Sankha Yoga. By virtue of being born with this combination, you will be endowed with keen intelligence, propitious nature, sympathetic disposition, and religious mind. You will be fairly wealthy, perform virtuous and meritorious deeds, and enjoy a happy family-life. As your 9th-lord is strong, you may do well in foreign-trade, or may have large gains from a distant inland place or even a foreign country.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the Ascendant-lord, the sign-lord of the said sign-lord, and also the lord of the Navamsha-sign of the same sign-lord - all are in exaltation or are situated in angular (kendra) or trinal (trikona) houses. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Kalpadruma Yoga. By virtue of presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be a pious and virtuous person, although you will be very strong and powerful. You will not at all be afraid in case of opposition or conflict, and in the event of such a development, you will tend to step forward for fighting to the finish; nevertheless, you will be merciful and have a forgiving nature. You will enjoy limitless wealth and influence, and your name and fame will be widespread.

In your horoscope, the 9th-lord is situated in any house other than the 3rd, the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th; the sign-lord (or the sign-lord) of the 9th-lord is situated in the 9th-house. This very favorable parivartana-yoga combination is termed as Mahaa Yoga. By virtue of having this auspicious combination present in your horoscope, you will be blessed by the goddess of wealth, and receive rewards and benefits from the authorities and the state. You will lead your life in comfort and style - together with your spouse, children, relatives and friends. You will be well-respected in the society, and your credibility, honor, fame, and reputation - all will be ever-waxing.

In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination, you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault of your own.

In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined together with a natural malefic planet, and any natural benefic planet is neither associated with it nor aspects it; besides, no natural benefic planet situated in- or aspects- the Ascendant. The overall combination is rather unfavorable, termed as Deha-Kashta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are present in your horoscope, then you may not be financially well-off, and/ or circumstantially may lack physical comforts and pleasures.

In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is not strong - for not being in exaltation, or in own-sign, or in own-nakshatra. Besides, it is situated in an angular (kendra) or a trinal (trikona) house. This typical combination is termed as Eka-Putra Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then you might be blessed with a single child only - which is very much likely to be a son.

In your horoscope, the 3rd-lord is situated in the Navamsha-sign of a natural benefic planet, and Mars is situated in the sign of a natural benefic planet. Besides, the 3rd-lord is conjoined with or aspected by a natural benefic planet. This overall combination is favorable, termed as Parakrama Yoga. By virtue of having this yoga present in your horoscope, you will be endowed with courage, determination, and strength of will.

In your horoscope, the lord of Navamsha-sign of 3rd-lord is in vargottama position. This is a highly favorable combination, termed as Rana Praveena Yoga. You are very much likely to become a capable strategist, and gain a series of victories in warfare and/ or active service.

Applicable Chandra Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As a planet (excepting Sun) is present in the 2nd from the position of Moon, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Sunapha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, you will be highly intelligent, will have very good earnings and will become wealthy. Along with your relatives and friends, you will enjoy your life in comfort and style.

Applicable Ravi Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As a planet (excepting Moon) is placed in the 12th from the position of Sun in your horoscope, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Vosi Yoga. as the concerned planet is a natural benefic, the combination is an auspicious one. The overall combination is termed as Subha-Vosi Yoga. By virtue of presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be endowed with a lasting fortune, strength, learning, and fame. You will be highly intelligent, clever, and tactful; you will also be very skillful and dexterous in what you do. You will have a broad mind, optimistic outlook, always happy nature, and generous disposition.

As a planet (excepting Moon) is placed in the 12th from the position of Sun in your horoscope, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Vosi Yoga. as the concerned planet is a natural malefic, the combination is not an auspicious one. The overall combination is termed as Papa-Vosi Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination in your horoscope, you may not remain in good health and suffer from eye-disease. You may not be very active or energetic - for which you may lose some good opportunities. You may get into some difficulties with your superiors or authorities, and even incur losses owing to confiscation or payment of fines imposed on you - for unwisely taking some measures without obtaining prior consent of-, or necessary clearance from-, the concerned authorities.

In your horoscope, Sun and Mercury are situated together in the sign owned by Sun. This constitutes Budhaditya Yoga - which is a favorable combination. You will be very intelligent, and have an analytical bent of mind. You will acquire good education from a prestigious institution. General science, technology, engineering, business management, etc fields might be of special interest to you.

Applicable Nabhasha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Kedara Yoga is present in your horoscope. Although this is not a very auspicious combination, yet you may be fortunate in certain respects. Although you will be truthful, and always mind your own business only, you might be quite fickle-minded lacking in understanding. Although you may be a simple person with open mind, you may still appear to be somewhat talkative and obstinate. Your profession may have some connection with agriculture, agricultural produce or implements, etc. However, you will have good earnings, and always be helpful to others.

Applicable Dhana Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As the 8th-lord is well placed in your horoscope, you are financially well-off; besides, you are very much likely to secure a lucrative position, and will be well placed in service - your job may have some connection with insurance, provident fund, revenue collection, etc lines. Alternately, you would receive financial benefits from your marriage-relations or from business-partners; alternately, you may receive big sums as loan from some major financial institutions for setting up a new venture of your own.

A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives, and friends.

As your 11th house coincides with an airy sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the western direction from your native/ birth place.

Applicable Vitta Hani Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :

As in your horoscope a dire malefic planet is situated in your 8th house - which is not influenced by a benefic planet, although you will be fairly well-off, you should remain very careful and cautious, and not take too many chances unnecessarily; you may have to face an untoward happening of serious sort; it is also appears possible that you may inflict grievous injuries to some other person/s - for which you might be hauled up and even be punished.

Astro Constants Predictions

Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':

You have been born in Sun's Dakshinayana (or Yamyayana). If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. You might be endowed with a somewhat proud and haughty nature, or intolerant disposition. Conditions will be improved for the better if some favorable 'Ravi-yogas' are present in your chart (Subha-Kartari, Ubhayachari, Vesi, Vosi, etc). But if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic planets in the next 'occupied' sign, then you might be hard-hearted or even deceitful; you might earn your living through agriculture and/ or cattle rearing; alternately, you may remain engaged in doing some such jobs - where the remuneration is not at all in consonance with the amount of efforts expended.

Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):

You have been born in Varsha Ritu (or Rainy Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be endowed with courage and valor; you may gain proficiency in martial arts, and enjoy participating in adventurous sports like horse riding and fast racing. You may have a phlegmatic and windy constitution, and at times may suffer from minor ailments owing to climatic variations. You will be highly intelligent, diplomatic, and farsighted as well; you will be successful in public dealings and foreign affairs, earn fabulously, and enjoy all comforts of life.

Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):

(5)You have been born in Shravana Masa (July/ August). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are highly favorable. You will be fortunate in respect of your father, and remain very obedient to him. the goddess of wealth will bless you with plenty and abundance, and you will always be engaged in doing righteous, virtuous, and philanthropic deeds. Your relatives will be wealthy and worthy as well, and they will always be very helpful to you. You are likely to have a big family consisting of grandparents in early age-periods, and grandchildren in late age-periods; and your family will be a source of pride and happiness to you. Besides, socially you will be very popular and people in general will treat you with respect. You are likely to go to many pilgrim centers.

Results of Birth in 'Paksha':

You have been born in Krishna Paksha. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. Your constitution might be somewhat weak, and you might be susceptible to suffer from disease. You may be endowed with restless nature and inconstant disposition. You might be branded as a mischievous- and/ or quarrelsome- person. By nature you might be quite sentimental; without viewing things in their proper perspective, you may tend to exaggerate trifles. Besides, you may have a lustful nature and remain subservient to your spouse.

Result of Birth in Weekday

You have been born on a Tuesday. As the lord of the weekday, Mars acquires special importance in your chart; its results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are favorable. You will be a passionate person with a burning zeal - more apt to be forceful and commit even some rash acts with sudden spurt of energy. You may tend to speak in an ironical manner, and be fond of strife and conquest. You may earn your living from metals, land, real estate, or some active services like defense, police, firefighting, etc.

Results of Birth in Day or Night :

You have been born during daytime. The indications are favorable. You will be active, energetic, intelligent, and brilliant. You will inherit the good qualities of your father, possess fine expressive eyes, and have an ever-optimistic nature. You will become known for your meritorious deeds. Your earnings will be good, and you will befriend many persons from the higher walks of life. For your virtues and qualities, people in general will treat you with respect.

Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :

As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Vajra yoga. Although this yoga belongs to unfavorable category, no inauspiciousness seems to have been attributed to the births under this yoga, you will be brought up prosperous circumstances, and be a highly intelligent person of virtuous disposition. You might be engaged in dealing of precious objects and artifacts, and earn a fortune therefrom. It is also possible that you may gain renown as an appraiser, connoisseur, or critic of art.

Results of Birth in Tithi :

You have been born on 'Navami' (or the 9th) tithi. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results will be favorable. You will be closely drawn to your father, and treat the teachers and preceptors with great reverence; but you may be somewhat indifferent by nature - for which some of your own people might oppose you, or try to take advantage from you. Your religious inclination will be profound, and your sense justice and propriety will be highly commendable. But if a natural malefic planet afflicts Moon by conjunction or aspect, then you may have a lashing tongue and depraved nature; even your own people may censure you for bad conduct.

Results of Birth in Karana :

You have been born in 'Taitila' Karana. It is the fourth Karana of the 'Chara' category. You will be endowed with a delicate physical structure, attractive features, sparkling eyes, and beautiful/ handsome appearance, and pleasing manners. You will be intelligent and clever, and with your oratorical skill you might be able to impress others; besides, you may have proficiency in games and sports, and might be an adept in some branch of fine arts. Although you will have a good moral character and be well known for your good conduct, yet you may have a somewhat pleasure-loving- and even amorous- nature; but as a very sensible person, you will be able to control yourself.

Results of birth in Nakshatra :

In your horoscope, Moon is situated in Mrigashira Nakshatra. By virtue of being born in this nakshatra, you will be a modest and courteous person of active habits; however, you may lack firmness of determination, and your principles might be flexible. You will be skilful in your work and follow the righteous path. If Moon is in sign Taurus, then you will be a suave person having refined taste, but might be very fond of enjoying sensual pleasures. But if Moon is in sign Gemini, then you will be endowed with mental strength and great enthusiasm; you will be able to solve any problem you may ever face; you may be interested to learn martial arts or use of arms for defensive purpose.



Astrological Prediction,34,Astrological Remedies,1,Astrology Analysis,17,Astrology Numerology,1,Astrology Rituals,1,Career Prediction,22,Educational Prediction,2,Ex Partner Prediction,2,Health Prediction,3,Horoscope,2,Indian Astrology,1,Job Prediction,2,Karkata Rashi,1,Kumbha Rashi,1,Love Prediction,6,Marriage Prediction,13,Meaning of Dreams,1,Meen Rashi,1,Mesha Rashi,1,Nepali Astrology,2,Personalised Prediction,9,Relationship Issue Prediction,2,Relocation Prediction,3,Vedic Astrology,6,Work Prediction,6,Yearly Horoscope,2,
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Health, Relocation and Suitable Business Sector Predictions [Asked by Bam Bahadur]
Health, Relocation and Suitable Business Sector Horoscope Asked by Bam Bahadur from Jhapa, Nepal.
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