When Will I Get Married? Marriage Horoscope Asked by Shubhlaxmi.
Name/Nike Name: Shubhlaxmi
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 04 August 1990 AD 12:55 pm
Age: 29 years
Country: India
City, Region: Panaji, Goa
Gender: FEMALE
Birth Date: 04 August 1990 AD 12:55 pm
Age: 29 years
Country: India
City, Region: Panaji, Goa
When Will I Get Married?
Prediction by Yodha Astro Guru
Dear Shubhlaxmi,
While analyzing your planet position and natal chart, it seems that you are likely to get married within the month of January of 2024 as you have good blessing for the planet of Moon. He is likely to belong from North-West direction of your birthplace and some chances of him being in your current vicinity also do exist. It is possible that, you will have some relationships before marriage as you want your partners to be perfect. However, after a while you may get bored with those partners for the search of ideal person for you.
As per Vedic astrology theory, the planet that facilitates marriage is Venus. In everyone's horoscope, the list of auspicious planets include Jupiter (Guru), Venus (Shukra), Mercury (Budh) and Moon. However, some efforts on your part are very important as Venus is not present on 7th house in your horoscope. Similarly, this will be an enjoyable period. You mind will remain free, intellect will become keener, conceptions will become clearer, and imagination very fertile. You will become more intellectually inclined, and be in a position to implement what you would visualize. If you remain engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, then you are sure to come out in flying colors with some special accomplishment. You will remain free from all discords and disputes, and will find pleasure in company of spouse and children, or lover and friends. Your name and fame will be widespread, and social popularity will increase. You may have some journeys to short-distance places, and participate in picnics and excursions. If you are in service, then you will receive favors and benefits from superiors and authorities, and your earnings will be fairly increased. If you are in business, then you will have it running very briskly, and may adopt some effective measures for its expansion or diversification to a prospective new field. Your domestic life will be very peaceful and happy. If Mercury bears some affliction, then your mother may not remain in good health. If both the planets are under affliction, then you might run the risk of temporarily losing lose your sense of propriety, and tend to startle people by putting forward queer fallacies and uncommon nonsense - having coating them with elegant words.
General Characteristics:
Your Ascendant falls in the Taurus sign. This sign has been classified as an earthy, fixed or grave sign. Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is fruitful, bestial by nature.
For being born in this Ascendant, you are likely to have a proud, somewhat obstinate, passionate, and very determined nature. You will be a very industrious person, and become an embodiment of patience and perseverance. Lady luck will smile on you, and you will enjoy a prosperous life. You may inherit the gift of parental property. You will be fully aware of your goal, and with the help of your skills, you will at shoot it perfectly. You will have a very good understanding of trade and business, and will be successful in business transactions.
As regards to your inner nature, you are likely to have a somewhat effeminate, pleasure-seeking, and sensuous nature. Although you may be amorous to some extent, in your private life, you will be extremely possessive and very demanding. You are likely to have a rather melancholic temperament, and may not trust new acquaintances easily. Normally, you will be slow to anger; but at times under provocation, you can suddenly become furious like a mad bull, and promptly charge forward to destroy or demolish your adversary. People around you may have mixed notions about you; while some close people will consider you to be dependable for your fixity of purpose; at the same time, some others may consider you to be rough and unpolished by your manner of expressions.
You will be religious, honest and truthful. You will be justice loving and will never tolerate any unfair act. You will be very cool minded and will not loose your temperament without any reason. You will have fascination for watery places and will love to reside near the river or sea. You will be helpful towards the needy people.
Physical Appearance: You are likely to have a relatively short, quite corpulent, and well-set physical structure. You may have a swarthy complexion with a full face, broad forehead, a well shaped neck and shoulders, and a wide mouth with heavy jaws and thick lips.
Mental Characteristics:
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Sagittarius; it is a positive sign ruled by the most benefic planet Jupiter - which is symbolized by a mythical creature - centaur (half human and half horse). It is a common and fiery sign, having a characteristic dual nature. You will be endowed with fertile imagination, romantic disposition, fondness for traveling, and desire for living in distant inland places or even in foreign lands. You are likely to be a person of philosophic outlook and placid temperament. Your passions will be strong, but these will nevertheless remain well under control. Your mind will remain normally restless, yet incessantly active and rich in creative faculties.
You will rise to a respectable position by dint of your own merit, and utilizing your own abilities. You will be gifted with good judgment and intellect, quick thinking ability for taking spot decisions, unique versatility and enviable capacity for fulfilling commitments. But you may have an inadequacy that inherently you may not have much of respect for the systems and methods - for which reason, at times you may run into disorder and profusion. Besides, you may feel quite unhappy for being frequently troubled by petty bickering, which you might normally tend to ignore - as you will have many influential supporters and devoted followers.
Although your circle of friends and acquaintances may not be very large, the relationship you will have with a few worthy friends will nevertheless be very lasting. Some jealous people in your circle may become unfavorably disposed to you, and a few of them may even turn openly inimical; but in the long run all such people will be fully subdued or vanquished. Wherever you will stay, you will become well known in the society as a person of worth, credibility and honor.
The planet of plenty and abundance - Jupiter - will bless you with fortune, wealth, and a happy family; it will also help you to gain wide acclaim and high renown. You will have the usual inheritance and benefits of a legacy or a windfall. You are likely to be benefited by receiving the patronage of a wealthy aged lady - who may not be your relative. Your religious inclination will be profound; you may not nurture orthodox beliefs, but you will be truly sincere. You may also possess the psychic gift of clairvoyance. In your later age-period, you may develop a taste for lofty speculations and deep researches, and you may gain some renown for your praiseworthy contributions in some journals of repute.
You will have control over your emotions, and they cannot force you to act against your own will. You will be a highly ambitious person. You will be fond of literature, art, drama, dance and music. You will appreciate creativity. You will be endowed with the qualities of tolerance, charity and sacrifice. You will ready to give up things in the interest of others. Due to this reason, people will trust you and will pay due respect to you. You will respect your elders and love everyone. You will follow the path of truth and justice.
Negative Traits:
At times, you may be selfish and ravenous. You may take hold of the property of others without paying them genuine return. You may be sumptuous and sluggish.