Tell me Overall Aspect of My Life [Asked by Dhiraj Raju Moolya] Name/Nike Name : Dhiraj Raju Moolya Gender : MALE Birth...
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Tell me Overall Aspect of My Life [Asked by Dhiraj Raju Moolya] |
Name/Nike Name: Dhiraj Raju Moolya
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 06 August 1993 05.41 pm
Age: 26 years
Country: India
City, Region: Kalyan, Maharashtra
Gender: MALE
Birth Date: 06 August 1993 05.41 pm
Age: 26 years
Country: India
City, Region: Kalyan, Maharashtra
Tell me overall aspect of my life mainly about Finance and Career.
Prediction by Yodha Astro Guru
Dhiraj Raju Moolya,
While analyzing your planet position and natal chart, it seems that, there is fine prospects for you to see considerable change in your life within the month of March of 2027. The planet 'Mercury' seems supportive and it will produce highly favorable results during its Dasha-period. If it is conjoined with Jupiter or Venus or Saturn, or either Jupiter or Saturn aspects it, then also the results will be favorable. If Mercury is very close to Sun (within 3*20'), then also the results will be fairly good - although some health-problems might arise. If Mercury is in mutually angular (Kendra) position from Rahu, then it will be very good for having progress in academic and intellectual pursuits; and also for suddenly switching over to a different stream of employment, the period will prove to be very advantageous. Mercury situated close to Ketu can bestows success in study of occult subjects. But if Mars is either conjoined with Mercury or aspects it - while none of them is strongly placed - then you may face many problems and always remain in somewhat 'disturbed' state; and if Moon is conjoined with Mercury or aspects it - while none of these two is strongly placed - then the your mind may become wavering, and may even become 'fickle'-minded. If at least one of these two planets is not well placed in your horoscope, then the period may not be very good in certain respects; during this period, you may have some problems, and face many strife and quarrels. You may suffer from a series of minor ailments in rapid succession, have evil dreams, become emaciated due to loss of appetite, and your thinking may become somewhat beclouded or even confused. Besides, you may incur the wrath of some influential persons - who might flex their muscles to buckle you down on your knees by teaching hard lessons; in various possible ways, they might try to make your life as miserable as possible. You may temporarily be removed from your post, and put under pressure for shifting your residence to an inconvenient place. The conditions at your workplace might worsen, and some inferior persons could deliberately be encouraged to cause you annoyance. You might become utterly frustrated and feel extremely disgusted. If Rahu is influenced by Jupiter or Venus - either by conjunction or aspect - or is situated in an angular (kendra) position from Mercury, then you will be able to escape from the evil clutches by suddenly switching over to another stream of employment.
The Sun in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit and you may not remain in good health. You may have fruitless journeys to dshort-distance places or may have a transfer to an inconvenient place. If other planets in transit are also not in favour, then you may have quarrels with your friends and colleages. Your children may not remain in good health and you are likely to meet with some wasteful expenditures or incur some losses.
The Sun transits this sign during the month of Phalguna, (from about 13-14 February to 14-15 March).
The Moon in transit is crossing over the 3rd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will have an enjoyable period for a couple of days. You will enjoy the company of relatives and friends, particularly of people who are married. You may undertake a journey to a short-distance place for pleasure and all your efforts will be fruitful. The dealings at your workplace will be smooth, and your home-life will be very joyful and happy.
Mars in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not very favourable and you should curb your over-optimism and enthusiasm. Things may appear to take a queer turn and there are some chances that you may become a victim of criticism from unexpected quarters -- inspite of no fault of your own. Success might prove to be illusive you, and you may feel very tired and weary. You should, however, keep in your mind that this phase is only temporary, and brighter days are just ahead of you -- when you will be able to express yourself.
Mercury in transit is crossing over the 12th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and you would do better to let the storm pass over by lying low and going slow. In respect of making any speculative investment, you must think more than twice beforehand. Owing to blockage of funds, you may find much of difficulties to fulfill your commitments. If other planets are also in unfavourable transit, then you may face a crucial situation, and may have to borrow from your friends for retaining your position intact.
Jupiter in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is not at all favourable; you should wake up from your dreams and come back to the real world. All on a sudden, you may realize that the good 'old' days appear to have been gone and your progress is being hindered by a series of obstacles; you may lose your credibility and honour, and the fear of losing your position might take you on the verge of total despair. The health of your children might also cause you some concern. However, if other planets are in favourable transit, then the situation will be modified for the better, and problems won't be too many.
Venus in transit is crossing over the 2nd from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and you will be fortunate in many respects. You will have gains from various sources, and your family life will be very joyful and happy. You may receive funds from a major financial institution, and you may have a costly acquisition, which will increase your comfort and improve your life-style. You may also spend some money for interior and/ or exterior decoration of your dwelling house.
Saturn in transit is crossing over the 11th from your Moon-sign. This is a highly favourable transit, and you will be fortunate in many respects. Your friends' circle will be widened and your popularity will be considerably increased. Your earnings will be swelling by leaps and bounds, as you will have gains from more than one sources. Your wealth accumulation and costly possessions will also increase. You will feel very happy and glad, and enjoy your life with utmost satisfaction. If other planets are also in favourable transit, then you be a recipient of public honour.
Rahu in transit is crossing over the 4th from your Moon-sign. This is not a favourable transit, and if some other planets in transit are also not in your favour, then you might be afflicted with sorrow, grief and pain. The health and well-being of either of your parents may cause you some concern, and one of your children also may not remain in good health. Your undertakings may also become sickly, and the proceeds from them may no longer be found to be satisfactory. However, if you are engaged in academic or intellectual pursuits, then you will have good progress and look forward to coming out successful in flying colours.
Ketu in transit is crossing over the 10th from your Moon-sign. This transit is highly favourable and it will bring you back to life again. Ketu will shower you with it's bounties, and bring in gains in abundance from whichever new territory you would try to explore. But success should not go to your head; rather than getting tempted to go for flying high in the sky, you should rather keep yourself firmly on the hard soil and proceed in a prudent manner. Your social prominence will increase, as you might be rubbing your shoulders with the more affluent people. You may also have the opportunity to occupy a honorary position in a prestigious institution.
General Characteristics:
Your Ascendant falls in sign Sagittarius. This is a fiery, common or flexed, double-bodied or bi-corporeal sign (its first half is human, while the last half is bestial). Certain other natural qualitative characteristics have also been attributed to it: this sign is masculine, fruitful and violent by nature.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious. Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced. Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be well developed.
For being born in this Ascendant, you will be a person of active habits - have an intrepid, bold nature. You will be an even-tempered frank person - having generous instincts, and a just disposition. You will be full of life and laborious. Your earnestness and dedication for your work will help you to achieve your desired goals. You will be firm in your decisions, and will be very dependable as a friend. You will love justice and your judgment will be unprejudiced. Physical sciences and technologies may not interest you much, but you will have a profound interest in philosophy and religion. You will be generous, modest and candid. You will believe in simple living and high thinking. You will abhor showiness or hypocrisy. You will take pride in traditions and traditional values. Your psychic ability will be well developed.
Physical Appearance:
You will have a tall, handsome figure and a well-formed, strong physical structure. Your complexion is likely to be fair, with a long and oval face and a high forehead - which might be bald about the temples. You will have an open countenance with sparkling eyes.
Mental Characteristics:
In your chart, the Moon is situated in sign Pisces; it is the negative sign ruled by the benign planet Jupiter - which is symbolized by a pair of fishes in opposite postures tied together. It is a common and watery sign, having a characteristic dual nature. Basically, you may have a dreamy nature, and possess the unique tendency of mixing up reality with imagination. With your extreme changefulness and inconstancies, you may really deserve to be branded as queer. You may often appear to be timid, but all on a sudden may revert to being quite unyielding or obstinate - sometimes even audacious; for such tendencies, some people may not consider you to be very reliable or dependable either - for which you may lose some opportunities for advancement. At times you may be guided by fanatical enthusiasm - but you will soon be able to overcome it all by yourself.
You may have a highly passionate nature, and may have no regard at all for the possible consequences; but for this, you may face some troubles quite frequently, and lose sympathy or support of some of your friends and well wishing people. If you are engaged in some creative pursuit, then you will be fortunate to become successful in your endeavors. But if you are engaged in a rather common profession in a modest capacity, then you must curb all these unproductive tendencies, and come back to the real world - by placing your feet on the firm soil. This is for the simple reason that by pursuing fanciful risky projects, you can only render yourself vulnerable to meet with some sort of gross disappointment.
If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with the Moon or aspects it, you will follow a firm direction for putting in your efforts; obviously, you can then look forward to attaining a coveted position and success in all your endeavors. Dame fortune - with her sweet will - may decide as to when to favor you with her blessings of abundance and plenty; you are sure to rise to a dignified position by virtue of your merits and inherent qualities - at a fairly early age-period. But if a natural malefic planet influences the Moon instead, then you are likely to have a shocking disappointment in a love affair; alternately, one of your children may become afflicted with some congenital defect. Besides, you may tend to suffer from morbid tendencies, misplaced sympathies, and even fanatical enthusiasm. Some secretly inimical false friends may try to create a series of troubles for you, and you may even run the risk of losing your credibility, honor, rank or status.
You will be intelligent and versatile. For your sympathetic nature, you will always be ready to help others. You will be endowed with energy and resources. You will be sanguine and a positive thinker. You will be broad minded. You will be religious, pious and believe in God.
Negative Traits:
You may be vacillating and suspicious. You may speak sensitive and harsh words or your acts may be rebellious.
Suitable Career and Profession:
You can become a professor, adviser, minister, councilllor, business executive, preacher, philosopher, and lawyer. You can be a successful writer, publisher, accountant, army commander, sportsman, doctor, physician, and explorer.
Benefic and malefic Planets:
- Sun, lord of the 9th house, and Mars, Trine lord, are benefics.
- Mercury and Venus are malefics.
- Saturn, lord of the 2nd house, and Mercury, lord of the 7th house, are markesh.
- Jupiter and Moon are neutral.
Yogas Prediction
Important Yogas Applicable in Kundali(Chart) :
In your horoscope, the lords of the Ascendant- and the 12th- houses are situated in the mutually angular (kendra) houses - i.e., in the Ascendant-, the 4th-, the 7th- and the 10th- houses - while one or more friendly planets aspect/s these. This overall combination is highly auspicious - and is termed as Parvata Yoga (as per Vidyanatha's Jataka Parijata). By virtue of the presence of this yoga in your horoscope, you will be very fortunate, learned in ancient religious scriptures and sacred classics, gifted with eloquence, and of charitable disposition. Besides, you will be splendorous, mirthful, a very important and highly respected person in the city/ town/ village/ society.
In your horoscope, a natural benefic planet is situated in the 10th-house, and another natural benefic planet is situated in the 7th-house. This overall highly favorable combination is termed as Chaamara Yoga. By virtue of being born with this combination, you will be well versed in arts and literature, and endowed with the gift of eloquence. You become a very renowned scholar, and receive due acclaim and patronage from the highest authorities of the state/ country.
In your horoscope, a natural benefic planet is associated with or aspects the 2nd-house. The 2nd-lord is situated in a favorable house (i.e., other than the trika-houses - the 6th, the 8th, and the 12th), and is situated in its exaltation or in own-sign. This overall combination constitutes a highly favorable combination, termed as Dhenu Yoga. By virtue of the presence of this auspicious combination in your horoscope, you will be a very learned person, and will be endowed with abundance and plenty. You may have a large family, or you may live in a joint-family. The circle of your friends and acquaintances will also be very large.
In your horoscope, the 4th-lord is debilitated, or situated in an enemy's sign, or is associated with a natural malefic planet, or occupies an evil shashtiamsha. This combination is quite unfavorable, termed as Bandhubhistyakta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then owing to the presence of this combination, you might be deserted by your relatives and friends sometime during your life - even if it is for a little or no real fault of your own.
In your horoscope, the Ascendant-lord is conjoined together with a natural malefic planet, and any natural benefic planet is neither associated with it nor aspects it; besides, no natural benefic planet situated in- or aspects- the Ascendant. The overall combination is rather unfavorable, termed as Deha-Kashta Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are present in your horoscope, then you may not be financially well-off, and/ or circumstantially may lack physical comforts and pleasures.
In your horoscope, the 5th-lord is not strong - for not being in exaltation, or in own-sign, or in own-nakshatra. Besides, it is situated in an angular (kendra) or a trinal (trikona) house. This typical combination is termed as Eka-Putra Yoga. If some strong modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then you might be blessed with a single child only - which is very much likely to be a son.
Applicable Chandra Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
You have favorable Gaja-Keshari Yoga combination present in your horoscope. You have been born in a fairly well to do family, will have a good upbringing, receive favors and benefits from your superiors, rise to a fairly stable position, and your fortune will be gradually waxing.
You have favorable Amala Yoga combination present in your horoscope. You have been born in a fairly well to do family, will have a good upbringing, receive favors and benefits from your superiors, rise to a fairly stable position, and your fortune will be gradually waxing.
As a planet (excepting Sun) is present in the 12th from the position of Moon, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Anapha Yoga. Owing to the presence of this combination, you will remain free from diseases and will be fortunate in many respects. You will have a charming disposition, be endowed with virtues, and be fairly popular and well-known in society.
Applicable Ravi Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
As a planet (excepting Moon) is placed in the 12th from the position of Sun in your horoscope, it gives rise to a planetary combination known as Vosi Yoga. as the concerned planet is a natural benefic, the combination is an auspicious one. The overall combination is termed as Subha-Vosi Yoga. By virtue of presence of this combination in your horoscope, you will be endowed with a lasting fortune, strength, learning, and fame. You will be highly intelligent, clever, and tactful; you will also be very skillful and dexterous in what you do. You will have a broad mind, optimistic outlook, always happy nature, and generous disposition.
Applicable Nabhasha Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
A Nabhasha Yoga combination known as Paasha Yoga is present in your horoscope. This is not a very favorable combination, and during some period in your life, you may have to struggle against adversities and impediments. You may remain in service of others in humble capacities earning modest remuneration and without being treated with due respect. Although you may be skilful in work, you may have a somewhat spiteful disposition; at times you may forget your manners, and lose the sense of propriety. You might be bound to stay in a place against your will under circumstantial compulsion.
Applicable Dhana Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
A highly auspicious combination is present in your horoscope. By dint of your own directed endeavors and by virtue of your sheer strength of will, you are destined to go far ahead of your contemporaries. All your ambitions will be realized, and all your cherished desires fulfilled. People around you will regard you as an exemplary person, and a source of inspiration. You will lead a prosperous and happy life with your spouse, children, relatives, and friends.
As your 11th house coincides with an airy sign, you may have good gains in or from the places situated in the western direction from your native/ birth place.
Applicable Vitta Hani Yoga in Kundali(Chart) :
Although the lord of the 2nd house (= wealth) is apparently strongly placed in your horoscope, it has some affliction owing to being retrograde/ combust/ eclipsed; but the natural significator (= Jupiter) is well disposed. You might had been born in a fairly well to do family and received a good upbringing; but you may suffer hardship during sometime in your life - as your family may face a financial setback.
In your horoscope, the 2nd-lord aspects the planet - who is the lord of Navamsha-sign occupied by the 12th-lord planet. This is a Vitta-Hani Yoga combination; you are not likely to be a wealthy person. You may be a habitual spendthrift; owing to your nature, you may face financial hardship during your late-age periods.
Prediction From Astrological Constant
Results of Birth in Soura 'Ayan':
You have been born in Sun's Dakshinayana (or Yamyayana). If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. You might be endowed with a somewhat proud and haughty nature, or intolerant disposition. Conditions will be improved for the better if some favorable 'Ravi-yogas' are present in your chart (Subha-Kartari, Ubhayachari, Vesi, Vosi, etc). But if Sun is under Papa-Kartari Yoga, or has natural malefic planets in the next 'occupied' sign, then you might be hard-hearted or even deceitful; you might earn your living through agriculture and/ or cattle rearing; alternately, you may remain engaged in doing some such jobs - where the remuneration is not at all in consonance with the amount of efforts expended.Results of Birth in 'Ritu'(Seasons):
You have been born in Varsha Ritu (or Rainy Season). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are favorable. You will be endowed with courage and valor; you may gain proficiency in martial arts, and enjoy participating in adventurous sports like horse riding and fast racing. You may have a phlegmatic and windy constitution, and at times may suffer from minor ailments owing to climatic variations. You will be highly intelligent, diplomatic, and farsighted as well; you will be successful in public dealings and foreign affairs, earn fabulously, and enjoy all comforts of life.Results of Birth in 'Masa'(Month):
(5)You have been born in Shravana Masa (July/ August). If some counteracting influences are not present in your chart, then the indications are highly favorable. You will be fortunate in respect of your father, and remain very obedient to him. the goddess of wealth will bless you with plenty and abundance, and you will always be engaged in doing righteous, virtuous, and philanthropic deeds. Your relatives will be wealthy and worthy as well, and they will always be very helpful to you. You are likely to have a big family consisting of grandparents in early age-periods, and grandchildren in late age-periods; and your family will be a source of pride and happiness to you. Besides, socially you will be very popular and people in general will treat you with respect. You are likely to go to many pilgrim centers.Results of Birth in 'Paksha':
You have been born in Krishna Paksha. If some modifying influences are not present in your horoscope, then the indications are not favorable. Your constitution might be somewhat weak, and you might be susceptible to suffer from disease. You may be endowed with restless nature and inconstant disposition. You might be branded as a mischievous- and/ or quarrelsome- person. By nature you might be quite sentimental; without viewing things in their proper perspective, you may tend to exaggerate trifles. Besides, you may have a lustful nature and remain subservient to your spouse.As the great benefic planet Jupiter is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will possess mental composure and evenness of temper. You will be an open-minded person with frank nature, optimistic outlook, and philanthropic disposition. Financially you will be fairly well off, and the circle of your friends and acquaintances will be quite large. You will always be in a position to decide for yourself, and the people in your circle may seek your valuable opinion or advice on some important matters that concern them.As Mars is conjoined with the Moon in your chart (or aspects it), you will possess a heavy muscular body and a quick-to-anger disposition. Although normally you will remain mirthful, you will tend to become inflamed suddenly if you feel offended or your interests are at stake. You may suffer from some disease in connection with blood or blood pressure. You are likely to remain engrossed in mundane affairs and material acquisitions. In connection with property-matters, you may get into some disputes - which might even lead to lawsuit.Result of Birth in Weekday
You have been born on a Friday. As the lord of the weekday, Venus acquires special importance in your chart; its results - according to its occupied house-position - will become more important. Other indications in general are favorable. You will be a highly intelligent and learned person, and always follow the righteous path. You will be endowed with attractive features, smiling face, and winning manners - with which you will be able to create lasting impression on the minds of people with whom you will ever meet. You will be exceptionally fond of beautiful and luxurious things - which enliven life. You will be very much fond of white, cream, and glistening silver colors.Results of Birth in Day or Night :
You have been born during daytime. The indications are favorable. You will be active, energetic, intelligent, and brilliant. You will inherit the good qualities of your father, possess fine expressive eyes, and have an ever-optimistic nature. You will become known for your meritorious deeds. Your earnings will be good, and you will befriend many persons from the higher walks of life. For your virtues and qualities, people in general will treat you with respect.Results of Birth in Surya-Sidhanta Yoga :
As per Surya-siddhanta, you have been born in Sukarmana yoga. This yoga belongs to favorable category. By virtue of being born under this yoga, you will be fortunate in many respects. As the name implies, you will be a worthy person and gain fame and renown for doing righteous and praiseworthy deeds. You will be courageous and enthusiastic, and always remain very optimistic and cheerful. You will be deft and skilful in your work, and become popoular for your benevolent nature.Results of Birth in Tithi :
You have been born on 'Chaturthi' (or the 4th) tithi. If a natural benefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results will be favorable; you will be very bold and courageous, dexterous in disputes/ conflicts/ battles, and possess oratorical skills. You may shine forth as a speaker or a plaintiff, and earn a fortune. However, if a natural malefic planet is conjoined with Moon or aspects it, then the results could be just the obverse. You might become an incorrigible spendthrift; as your expenses will always tend to exceed your income, you might remain under debt. If you resort to any addictive habit or gambling, your 'good old days' would be a memory of the past.Results of Birth in Karana :
You have been born in 'Balava' Karana. It is the second Karana of the 'Chara' category. You will be fortunate in many respects; you will possess sound physique, attractive features, and beautiful/ handsome looks. Besides, you will be intelligent, wise, and adept in various subjects; you may acquire some proficiency in a branch of fine arts. You will be blessed in respect of wealth and possessions, and always remain surrounded by your relatives, friends and well-wishing people. If a natural malefic planet afflicts Moon by conjunction or aspect, then you may acquire a sensuous nature, and revealing of some of your close encounters of an intimate kind might add some psychedelic colors to your 'heroic' personality.Results of birth in Nakshatra :
In your chart, Moon is situated in Uttarabhadrapada Nakshatra. By virtue of being born in this nakshatra, you will be fortunate in many respects. You will be a person of compassionate nature and generous disposition. You will have a strong sense of moral values and self-respect. You will be a liberal minded person with profound thinking capacity, and might be an expounder of something very unique and novel. With the magnetic charm of your matured personality, you will be able to win friends and influence people in a very effective manner. You may excel as a preacher, teacher, author, adviser, justice, magistrate, etc. Socially you will be very popular, and held in high esteem.